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这就是所谓的王政复辟。It was called the Restoration.

他成了复辟王朝的忠实走卒。He became a faithful restoration dynasty pawns.

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波旁家族在1815年到1830年复辟And the Bourbons had been restored in 1815 to 1830.

1660年,查尔斯二世复辟,英国恢复了君主制。In 1660 the monarchy was restored under King Charles II.

他们打败了张勋,结束了这场复辟丑剧。They defeated Zhang Xun and put on end to this restoration farce.

不过,进步的背后,隐藏着亟待复辟的旧观点。Lurking behind progress, though, are oldideas waiting to be reapplied.

人们乐于看到君主的复辟People are happy to have a monarch back who is going to reassert control.

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人民的呼声终于战胜了复辟的思潮。The voice of the people finally superseded the restoration trend of thought.

宪法几经废立,君主被推翻又复辟。Constitutions were written and discarded. Monarchs were toppled and restored.

然而在今天的美国,保护主义政策却正在悲剧性地复辟。And yet even in the US today, protectionist policies are making a tragic comeback.

但将军们一定会尽他们最大的努力来阻止他信的复辟。But the generals will surely do their damnedest to thwart a Thaksinite restoration.

海峡对岸,查理二世的复辟王朝正竭力在国内站稳脚跟。Across the Channel, a restored monarchy under Charles II was trying to find its feet.

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英王查理二世在1660年复辟前居于此。Charles II of England lived here before the Restoration in 1660. Population, 118,662.

但毫无疑问的是,如果他复辟,一定会统治全国But,there was never any doubt that if he was restored to the throne that he would rule.

但是,即使在文字方面也不可能重弹复辟时期的老调了。But even in the domain of literature the old cries of the restoration period had become impossible.

新文化派提出“全盘西化”说,是为了同封建复辟势力在思想文化领域进行斗争。The New Culture school's "all-out Westernization" theory aimed to fight against feudal restoration.

复辟时期是英国财政与税收史上的一个重要转型时代。The Restoration is an important transformable age in the history of finance and taxation in England.

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批评家们对此惊恐不已,他们将其视作苏维埃控制知识分子方法的复辟。Critics are alarmed by what they see as a blatant throwback to Soviet methods of intellectual control.

他领导的这次起义是反对袁世凯复辟之第一声,云南护国起义之先导,具有重要的历史意。It was the first sound of the opinion of anti Yuan and the forerunner of Tsai Os Yunnan anti Yuan drive.

但是尼泊尔人民反对复辟,一年后,又一场声势浩大的民众运动将国王再次推翻,尼泊尔变成了共和国。Yet Nepalis resisted and another popular movement a year later toppled him, and Nepal became a republic.