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结果表明,龙须草生殖方式为无融合生殖的体细胞无孢子生殖。The results showed that the mode of reproduction conforms somatic apospory.

采用野外观测采样及室内测试方法,研究了荒坡地种植龙须草的生态效益。The paper studied on ecological benefit of Eulaliopsis binata grown in slope wasteland.

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就活性染料对龙须草纤维的染色性能进行试验,旨在探索龙须草纤维的基本染色规律。The dyeing property of Eulaliopsis binata fiber was tested and reactive dyes were used here.

用不同贮藏时间的龙须草种子做发芽和出苗试验。Germination and emergence test was conducted on Eulaliopsis binata seeds stored for different time.

龙须草是一种极具经济效应和生态效应的纤维草本植物,多为野生。It is a new method of natural fibre development to study on chemical degumming of eulaliopsis binata.

研究结果为龙须草的综合开发利用提供了理论依据。The results provide theoretical basis for the exploitation and utilization of Herba junci setchuensis.

合理的移栽密度对龙须草种群增长和产量形成具有重大意义。Reasonable transplanting density has great significance for E. binata population increase and yield form.

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龙须草分蘖特性与禾本科多数植物类似,但是其分蘖能力极强,一颗种子苗一年可分百蘖以上。The tillering capacity of the Chinese alpine rush is strong, one seed can be tillering more than 100 times.

龙须草具有很高的无融合生殖度,是优良的无融合生殖基因供体。As presented in has high degree of apomixis , E. binata might act as a potential valuable donor for apomixis gene.

针对提高纸浆原料植物龙须草的产量进行了盆裁和田间施肥试验。Pot culture and field fertilizing experiments are carried out to study yield of Eulaliopsis binata, a pulp raw material plant.

本文就龙须草浆对纸张透气度方面的影响作了详细讨论。The paper have excellent porosity and physical properties. the influence of China alpine rush pulp on paper porosity is discussed in this paper.

通过定位试验方法,从定量的角度研究与探讨种植龙须草对土壤理化性状的影响。By localization experiment, We quantitatively studied and probed into the effects of planting Eulaliopsis binata on soil physical and chemical properties.