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在雅典,史料记载的年龄是20岁In Athens, in classical times it was 20.

蒙古人没有多少文字史料。Mongolian people don't have many written historical records.

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据史料记载,剪纸在我国汉代就已出现了。Historical records show that paper-cut emerged in the Han Dynasty.

本文从四个方面探讨初中历史教学中的史料及其运用。This paper discusses the historical data and its use in four aspects.

这些材料无所谓有什么史料价值。These materials can't be said to have much value as historical records.

第一章主要论述魏晋时期作家传记史料的情况。In the first chapter, we mainly discuss the state of authors' biography.

艺术品和珍贵史料全被无情地毁掉了。Works of art and priceless historical records were ruthlessly destroyed.

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碑刻按内容分为文苑、艺术、史料三部分陈列。Consists of inscriptions by Yuen, art, historical display of three parts.

可是他的生平事迹却很少见诸史料记载。However, his life story is seldom discovered in the historical documents.

民间文艺往往能提供最正确的社会史料。Folk culture can always provide us with the truest social history materials.

从1983年开始,我开始搜集和研究有关严嵩方面的史料。From 1983, I began to collect and study the historic materials about Yan Song.

晚年则着重选写新加坡华文诗歌史料。He spends most of his late years in writing Chinese poem history of Singapore.

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他以小说史料为核心的编撰结构,自成体系。His created a five-way system of with the core structure of materials of novels.

史料是史家与史事之间的惟一桥梁。Historical material is the unique bridge between historian and historical events.

明清的方志当然又是宋史的重要史料。The Chronicles Of course, Ming and Qing Dynasties is an important historical Sung.

有史料证明有崇信梵文佛典的小乖佛教存在。There is evidence of the existence of some Hinayana Buddhism of the Sanskrit canon.

也许神学上是正确的,但是从史料中看,它并未出现在圣经中。And that may well be right theologically, but read historically it's not in the Bible.

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光是把有关耶稣的史料堆积起来是不够的。The piling up of sheer historical fact about the Galilean, however, is not sufficient.

研究中国哲学,必须先能掌握内含哲学思想的典籍史料。There are two dimensions that should be considered in the study of Chinese philosophy.

本文以大量史料说明,历史时期的蒸水流域是个山青水秀、盛产竹木的地方。In the past, this area was rich in forest resources, with hills green and waters clear.