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结晶器保护渣系列化分析研究。The seriation of mold slag is studied.

有两种形式的斯内尔系列化的标签。There are two forms of the Snell serialized label.

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系列化拉条镦头模设计。Design of the Upsetting Die for a Series of Bracings.

实现了系列化、模块化和机动化。It realizes serialization, modularizaion and motorization.

部分产品开始向本地化、系列化方向发展。Part of products have been started to localize and seriation.

一个业务组件可以支持不同类型的系列化。A business component can support different types of serialization.

零部件采用通用性强的系列化设计,具有多种安装方式。Parts versatility of seriation design, with a variety of installation.

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可高效地实现该类产品的系列化变体设计。The products with seriate altering designs can efficiently be realized.

编制的AUTOLISP程序可实现机械产品零件的系列化。The AUTOLISP program has been worked out to bring about parts seriation.

区间优化方法便于产品的系列化,可以解决传动系齿轮配齿问题。The problem of the number of gear teeth matching in drive train was solved.

独创系列化通用手柄拔插扣,随意拔插。Unique seriation of common handle buckle as plug-in style separate from the unit.

秤台设计标准化、模块化、系列化、秤台美观、平整。Scale design standardization, modular, serialization, scale stand beautiful, smooth.

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对凸轮分度机构系列化设计进行了探讨。This paper carried out a deep discussion on seriation design of cam indexing mechanism.

实现了高起点、高质量、系列化、多品种的战略方针。Achieve A High Starting Point, High Quality, Series, Many Varieties Of Strategic Policy.

从设计阶段到系列化生产以及整个使用寿命周期的全力支持。Starting from the design-phase and up to series production and the full life-cycle support.

产品形成标准化、通用化,系列化。Products are made based on standardization, universalization and serialization functioning mentality.

希望能开发出系列化产品,满足钢铁工业的需求。We expect to produce series of W-Mo-Fe alloys in order to satisfy the demands of iron and steel industry.

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另有产品打样、开发、设计的多样化、系列化经验能力。Also has the diversification and seriation experience ability of product design-drawing, developing, and designing.

强调,开发和研制多性能复合型氨基树脂复鞣剂并使其产品系列化乃是今后氨基树脂鞣剂的发展方向。The trends of amine resin retanning agent are the study on multifunctional product and its seriation in the future.

实现专用工业酶制剂的系列化将推动我国酶制剂工业发展。It has been emphasized that to realize the seriation of indus trial enzyme will be the promotion of enzyme industry.