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你不会是想说茱丽叶把他锁在冷库里了吧?Are you suggesting that Juliette locked him in a freezer?

冷库出现故障,保证作到随叫随到。Guarantee arrival at site called in case refrigeratory is failure.

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组装式冷库,气调冷库是我公司冷链设备的主导产品。Pre-fabricated cold stores and CA cold stores are our dominant products.

当人员被锁在冷库时,用于向厨房人员和驾控室人员呼叫。Apply to man call for man in galley on WH, if be locked in freezing store.

开个茶叶店必备冷库冷柜,即时下普遍在夏日使用冷贮法。Keeping Tea shop must have freezer, and use freezer keeping tea in summer.

本文针对冷库提出一种新的融霜方式——液体冷媒融霜。A new defrosting method, hot liquid defrosting, is introduced in this paper.

具有与进境肉类产品数量相适应的存储冷库。Having refrigerated warehouses that suit the quantity of entry meat products.

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可生产从5吨到数千吨各种规格的冷库。From 5 tons to produce thousands of tons of various specifications refrigerated.

我公司每年四月份就准备好了保鲜蒜薹的冷库和晾晒蒜头场地。I am on year in April ready for the cold fresh Garlic and garlic laundry facilities.

探究结果对冷库设计和运行具有一定的指导意义。Study a result to have certain direct sense to refrigeratory is designed and moving.

农民们没有电和冷库,缺少良种、优肥,也没有通畅的道路。Farmers are without electricity and cold storage. They lack good seeds and fertilizer.

德古公司致力于工业门、冷库门的研发和制造。DoorGood Company specializes in the production of industrial doors, refrigerator doors.

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研究了大蒜经冷库贮藏后的辐照抑芽效果。This paper researches the sprout inhibition effect by irradiation on refrigerated garlic.

广泛应用于炼油厂、化工厂、乙烯、化服、冷库及冰箱和建筑业保温隔热。It can be used in oil refining, chemical industry, chemical fertilizer, cold storage, etc.

在“冷藏链”中,船舶冷藏集装箱被称为海上活动冷库。Maritime refrigerated container is known as a moving refrigeratory at sea in the cold chain.

检查冰箱和冷库的温度。保留这些设备以前的记录。Check the temperature on the refrigerator and cooler. Retain previous records on these units.

装满的独立冷库中储藏的食物处于华氏零度下两周是安全的.Food in a full free-standing freezer will be safe for about two days at zero degrees farenheit

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由于销路不好,这个厂的冷库里积压了大量的冷冻食品。Because of small market, a lot of frozen foods were overstocked in the refrigeratory of the factory.

在无管道的大型冷库里,温度分布情况如何?How is the temperature distribution in large refrigerated warehouses with ductless air distribution?

代理销售各类家用空调、冰箱、冷柜、冷库的零配件。Agents selling all kinds of home air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, cold storage of spare parts.