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哪儿是你锦绣华年的全部珍宝?Where all the treasure of thy lusty days

一朵从未盛开的花,华年在几何?Has never been a flower in full bloom, China in geometry?

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人生太多的沧桑经历,岁月华年催人老。Too many vicissitudes of life experience, years of China urges a person old.

是生命中的潮起潮落,还是似水华年无法挽留的遗憾?Life in the ebb and flow of the tides, or water Hua years unable to retain the regret?

经过议定料理探讨,她在格鲁吉亚,她到爱荷华年夜学获得她的主人,美术。After finishing her studies at Georgia, she went to the University of Iowa to get her Masters of Fine Arts.

苹果公司的创始人之一乔布斯,顽强的和胰腺癌搏斗了7年之后,在他56岁华年的人生黄金季节里,辞世了!Apple co-founder Steve Jobs ' death at the age of 56 followed a seven-year battle with a rare form of pancreatic cancer.

一幅恍惚如昔的感叹斑驳,一皱暗淡失宠的华年锈色,那么几拜虔诚,方能换得年华不更?A trance as ever sighed mottle, puckered dim fell out of favor China rusty, so a few worship religious, can change time no more?

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而其中尤让人唏嘘不已的便是主人公邵华年与秦文昭几十年的艰辛情路。And let a person sob especially among them unceasingly is hero Shao Hua year with Qin Wenzhao hardships affection road of a few years.

在此之前,日产已经决定,在截至2013年3月的财年前,将把在华年产能从67万辆提高至100万辆。Nissan had already decided to boost its annual capacity in China to one million vehicles from 670, 000 by the fiscal year ending March 2013.

十里平湖霜满天,寸寸青丝愁华年,对月行单望相互,只羡鸳鸯不羡仙。Ten mile pinghu frost all over the sky, inch black hair sorrow, for on line looking at each other, only envy mandarin duck not envyimmortal.

通用电气的目标是2005年实现在华年采购额实现50亿美元,伊莱克斯要在三年内在中国把采购额从零扩大到6亿美元。GE plans to attain the purchasing value of 5 billion USD in 2005 in China, and Electrolux wants to enlarge their purchasing from 0 to 0.6 billion USD in three years in China.