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设计的构思源自中国汉代书简的启发,具有东方意象,融合古今。It has orient verve and combines ancient culture with modern design.

本文选取前四卷书简对其整理研究,分为五部分。This paper selected the former four-volume of letters to study, is divided into five parts.

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不管怎样,他是为这些孔子最爱的书简献身了,导演让他死得很唯美。Anyway, he is the favourite for the Confucius, director suggested dedicated to let him die very beautiful.

中日关系中这种局面的形成,“吉田书简”起着重要影响。In the formation of the situation of the Sino-Japan relations, "the Yoshida Letter" played an important role.

死海书简,这份世界上最重要,最神秘,且过去仅限于在考古学家小范围圈子里流传的珍宝,不久之后将被“谷歌化”。The Dead Sea Scrolls, among the world's most important, mysterious and tightly restricted archaeological treasures, are about to get Googled.

仁惠者啊,博施者!求祢以祢的大慈大悲及祢的丰裕恩典,怜悯这篇书简的持有人吧。Do Thou have mercy upon the bearer of this Tablet, through Thy most great mercy and Thine abundant grace, O Thou the Gracious, Thou the Bounteous.

有鉴于此,本文以包山楚简中的文书简、卜筮祭祷简为研究对象进行集释,并对相关问题展开讨论。Therefore, this article is covering all explanations based on the document and divination of Baoshan Bamboo Slips, and discussing the related issues.

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此前,以原稿翻拍而来的三十九卷死海书简影印本已经发行,但批评者认为,这些书异常昂贵,而且过于笨重。Scholars already can access the text of the scrolls in 39 volumes along with photographs of the originals, but critics say the books are expensive and cumbersome.

出版了几份新闻书简还整理了许多输入资料以准备离开这里去拉斯维加斯和旧金山去旅游。Yes I have been very busy over the year's end. Publishing a couple newsletters and doing a lot of data input to get ready for leaving to travel to Las Vegas and San Francisco.

在红娘的帮助下,张生通过弹琴向莺莺表达了爱慕之情,两人暗中传递书简,终于私自结合。With the help of Hong Niang Student Zhang poured out his love for Yingying by playing the zither, exchanged love letters with her secretly and finally betrothed himself to her.