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有件诡异的事情Here's the weird thing.

最诡异的是这种观点了。That's the weirdest of all.

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你曾经历过离奇诡异的事情么?。Tattling ur quirkiness-story with us.

这并不让我们认为很古怪或者诡异。This, we do not consider odd or weird.

说说你经历过的最诡异离奇的事情。Tattling your quirkiness-story with us.

至于Goldblum,他带来了诡异。And Goldblum, well, he brings the weird.

我在我人生中非常诡异的时刻遇到了我自己。I met myself at a very strang time in my life.

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诡异地被完成了,为燕姿新专辑而做的歌曲。Quirky is done! the song for yanzi's new album.

中国有钱消费者是很诡异的。There is a quirkiness to rich Chinese consumers.

但是他们的经历却诡异地彼此相似。But their experiences eerily resemble each other.

最后几行,十分不详而诡异。Those last lines, then, are so ominous and strange.

在这幅油画中有一种如纱般的,诡异的质感。There is a gauzy , ghostly quality to this painting.

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说到这儿,无穷大的逻辑变得诡异起来。This is where the logic of infinity gets very weird.

只有一些诡异而狂热的驱动力保持我们不断前行。There's just some weird manic drive that keeps us going.

在缺乏氧的情况下葡萄酒会产生一些诡异的香气。When deprived of oxygen wines can develop strange aromas.

悬棺洞里究竟有什么诡异,会让进洞者——死去?Hanging coffin hole what eerie, will let into the hole--die?

首先,是徐渭对诡异甚至狰狞意象的捕捉与运用。First, Xu Wei's pursued and used bizarre and ferocious image.

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我当时觉得很诡异。第二天早晨,他死了。I thought it was weird at the time. He died the next morning.

山坡上,那所一层楼高的小平房,远眺很诡异。On the hillside, a two-story bungalow, overlooking the weird.

发生航天发射诡异事件的第一个高峰就在人类的头几次载人航天活动上。The pinnacle of manned space oddities may be one of the first.