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我奶奶是豫剧专家。My granny is an expert of Henan Opera.

豫剧是比京剧更古老的剧种。Henan Opera is more ancient than the Peking Opera.

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万里豫剧院演员在台上演出。Actors of Wanli Honan Opera Theater are performing in the stage.

难到豫剧,黄梅戏等就比京剧差吗?Difficult to Henan Opera, Peking Opera Huangmeixi than poor, and so on?

豫剧唱腔音乐属板腔体梆子腔系统。Henan Opera aria music belongs to the system of Banqiang-style clapper melody.

河南是中国第一大省,豫剧是与京剧齐名的剧种之一。Yu Opera of Henan, the largest province in China, is only second to Peking Opera.

县里的剧团将于近期到我们乡表演豫剧。The town's theatrical group will come to our village and perform Henan opera soon.

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豫剧的剧本创作与表演艺术时刻不忘来源于生活,服务于群众。The drama creation and performance arts comes from life and services for the masses.

河南豫剧是“唱念做打”并重的、具有多元特征的戏剧音乐。The Henan opera is"singing, reading, doing, playing"pays equal attention to, has the multi-characters.

被誉为“豫剧皇后”的著名豫剧演员常香玉周二逝世,享年81岁。Noted Chinese Henan opera actress Chang Xiangyu, hailed as the "queen of Henan opera, " died Tuesday, at 81.

即对促进豫剧音乐现代化做出了重要贡献和对豫剧现代戏的发展方向具有指导意义。It is the creation idea that promoted the progress of modern drama and made momentous contribution on the modernization.

邀请柘城县豫剧团去进行表演,着重讲解安全套在预防艾滋病中所起到的独特作用。Mission to be invited Zhecheng Opera performances, focused on the condoms in the prevention of AIDS in the unique role played.

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豫剧是我国传统戏曲文化的重要组成部分,豫东唐派是豫剧个人流派的重要一支。Henan Opera plays an very important part in Chinese traditional opera culture, and East Henan Tang Opera is one major school in it.

在06年的时候,曾经代表中国登上了世界顶级的艺术殿堂悉尼歌剧院,向世界宣传了我国传统的豫剧文化。In 2006, she went to the top palace of art in the world---Sydney Opera House to publicize our traditional Henan opera culture to the world.

由于时代的飞速发展,社会意识形态和审美风尚发生了巨大变化,豫剧的生存开始出现危机。Due to the speed development of the times, social awareness and aesthetic values all have undergone enormous changes and Henan Opera is facing a crisis of survival now.

它是河南豫剧中具有代表性的主要流派之一,也是以区域特性为其特征的民俗戏曲文化。It is one of the most representative main schools in Henan Opera and also the folk-custom traditional opera culture whose characteristics are based on a particular region.

一个剧种的繁荣和兴旺,离不开具有深厚功力、卓越艺术才能、在观众中享有威望的艺术家的贡献,马金凤就是豫剧演唱艺术中杰出的代表。The Ma Jin-Feng is one of remarkable representatives in the singing artistry of Yu drama, this paper combines her singing career with her different development of music fo.

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本文从方言字音的比较入手,结合豫剧演唱中咬、吐字特点,详细分析,以求给广大豫剧爱好者以“正音”的依据。The paper compares the dialectal pronunciation and analyses the features of Henan Opera' s singing pronunciation for correcting the pronunciation of Henan Opera' s amateur.

由于两剧种审美情趣的不同,因此河南豫剧和真实主义歌剧在唱法上对发声、共鸣、声音位置的要求也有所不同。Because of the esthetic appeal of two kinds of drama are different, so the request of Henan opera and the Verism opera in singing skills, resonance and the sound position are different too.

在实际运用过程中的多种调式变化,使它成为豫剧两大流派唱腔中表现力最强、音乐色彩最丰富的板式类型。The Erba-rhythm has a variety of mode changes in the course of practical application, which makes it the most expressive and colorful rhythm style in the two major aria schools of Henan Opera.