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他们是训练有素。They are much more shaped.

这个队伍训练有素。The team were well-drilled.

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它们是训练有素的运动员。They were highly-trained athletes.

他们都比较训练有素,是吗?They are much more shaped, are they?

他的举止像个训练有素的军人。He behaves like a well-trained soldier.

训练有素的马队斜步行进表演马戏。The trained horses sashayed to perform.

于是,他倒不如做个训练有素的猴子。He might as well have been a trained monkey.

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像不像一个训练有素的驯象师啊?Do I look like an experienced elephant trainer?

我还让训练有素的食用油鉴定员尝了尝。And I served some of them to trained oil judges.

通常只有训练有素的舞蹈演员才会劈叉。Usually only a trained dancer can do the splits.

我提到我是个训练有素的密探了吗?Did I mention that I'm a well-trained secret agent?

这所大学拥有一支训练有素的西席步队。The university boasts a team of well-trained teachers.

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安东尼·特罗洛普是一位勤奋而训练有素的作家。Anthony Trollope was an industrious and disciplined writer.

它还需要有现成的制度和训练有素的劳动队伍。It also needs systems in place and a disciplined workforce.

这是一支世上最训练有素、效率最高的军队。It's the most well-disciplined, effective army in the world.

他们有一支训练有素,求战心切的部队。They have well-trained troops, who are spoiling for a fight.

而艾薇塔像其他训练有素的舞蹈演员一样,有着修长的肌肉。And Ivetta had the long, slender muscles of a trained dancer.

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与训练有素的专科医生交谈会有帮助。Talking things through with a training specialist could help.

费尔里具备一个训练有素的外交官的一切风度和优雅。Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.

韩、赵两国兵力训练有素,但在战场上很难发挥实际效用。Han's and Zhao's troops are well controlled but not effective.