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我们做鬼火灯笼吧。Let's make jack-o'- lanterns.

我们做鬼火灯笼吧。They make masks and lanterns.

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是鬼火。哦,汤姆,这太吓人了。It's devil-fire. Oh, Tom, this is awful.

一股鬼火在宾克神色紧张的眼前滑过。A will-o'-the-wisp caught Bink's nervous eye.

我在黑暗中看到前面有一团鬼火。I saw a ghostly light ahead of me in the darkness.

鬼火般的橘红色光芒在头骨的眼眶中舞动着。Flickering orange lights danced in the skull’s eye sockets.

宾克小时候的一个朋友就跟着鬼火,再也没有回来。One of Bink's childhood friends had followed the wisp and never returned.

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举例来说,在蔚蓝鬼火结算后,受其影响的生物就只会是蓝色。For example, after Cerulean Wisps resolves, the affected creature will just be blue.

了解如何在这个自由添加视频雕刻南瓜“武器”到您的鬼火。Learn how to add "weapons" to your jack-o'-lantern in this free pumpkin carving video.

窗外些许的光映在你苍白的脸上,感觉有点像鬼火。Optical mapping out the window a little pale in your face, feeling a bit like a wildfire.

杜丁召唤死者的灵魂并将他们转换成自燃的鬼火烧伤敌军。Dutins calls the souls of the dead and turns them into immolating wisps to burn his enemy.

本赛季一直久,是因为鬼火的最先进的雪状态决策的能力。The season is consistently long because of Wisp's state of the art snow making capabilities.

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如果你的父母对你晚上外出管得太严甚至不准出去会朋友,你为此鬼火乱冒时,不要马上上演攻防战。If your parents upset you by setting a curfew or by grounding you, don't immediately take the defensive side.

如果你的父母对你晚上外出管得太严甚至不准出去会朋友,你为此鬼火乱冒时,不要马上上演攻防战。If your parents upset you by setting a curfew or by grounding you, don’t immediately take the defensive side.

当它们不从事对个人人身攻击的卑劣行径时,这些小报便通过形成尾韵的标题煽阴风,点鬼火,挑起政治辩论。When they are not humiliating individuals, the tabloids shape political debate by the hammer-beat of repetition.

如果你是住了一夜,鬼火度假酒店和会议中心提供舒适的客房,在所有的行动中心。If you are staying the night, the Wisp Resort Hotel and Conference Center offers comfortable rooms, at the center of all the action.

坟场四周一片漆黑,偶尔有几点鬼火闪过,而且四面八方都有阴风吹来,冷得加沙打了好几个喷嚏。An on all sides one utter darkness of grave, occasionally have what time the will-o'-the-wisp flash across, and the all directionses all have the breeze of.