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但当年我二十一岁。But I was one-and-twenty.

当年她败给了金·贝辛格。She lost to Kim Basinger.

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当年,它是一种生存模式。Back then, it was survival mode.

她母亲当年是个大美人。Her Mom was ever an eye-catcher.

我们当年都是校网球队的。We were both on the tennis team.

但是我参与过当年那个讨论,老麦这样做实在怪异。But I was, and it’s just bizarre.

当年2月,里根加大了赌注。In February, Reagan upped the ante.

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当年在那礼拜堂里也有过一番屠杀。A massacre took place in the chapel.

一串串绿萝,挂在我当年尘封的窗。Green vines, out of my dusty window.

这座墙后面是当年的采石场。Behind this wall were stone quarries.

就像她父亲当年漂洋过海来到这里Just as her father came across the sea

话说当年,二齿猪儿还是小孩瓶的时候。Long time ago, when Bical O was a kid.

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玛丽莎想念当年那个冷酷无情的小姑娘。Marissa missed that tough little girl.

岳灵珊和林平之解释当年之上。Lenient and Lin Pingzhi explained above.

你看,这些就是当年修渠的人们使用的工具。Look, here are the tools they used then.

当年舜放逐了鲧却重用了鲧的儿子禹。Shun exiled Gun but promoted his son Yu.

当年的皇帝可真会选地方。The emperor was good at choosing places.

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当年的情景仍然历历在目。The scene was still fresh in our memory.

建宏把当年的事曾聪明讲了一次。Jianhong that thing Ceng Congming tells a.

当年,我自己也是“荡桦树“的能手。So was I once myself a swinger of birches.