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钟声每整点时会响。The bell rings on the hour.

班机每小时整点一班。A plane departs every hour on the hour.

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还能整点正经事不?Also the whole point of earnest do not?

每小时整点有一班火车。There's a train every hour on the hour.

飞机每小时整点起飞。The plane departs every hour on the hour.

公共汽车在整点时经过这幢大楼。The bus goes past the building on the hour.

北京广播台每小时整点播报新闻吗?Does Radio Beijing broadcast the news every hour on the hour?

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“每整点,他需要喂食,”Northrup回忆说。“"He needed feedings every hour on the hour, " Northrup remembers.

每小时列车整点发一班车,所以下趟车在20分钟后出发。It runs every hour on the hour. So the next train leaves in 20 minutes.

等着我的律师去起诉你的大腚吧!整点自己的东西行不行?。Try ready to call my lawyer to sue your ass. Come up with your own stuff.

每晚九点有烟火演出,每整点与半点有主灯与水舞秀。The water dance show and main lantern performance activate every half hour.

这是一个整点我进入我的免费下载电子书的网站。This is a whole area I get into in my free downloadable ebook on the website.

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这是一个整点报时的小程序,很有学习价值的。This is the whole point of a small-time program, it is the value of learning.

每到整点有一班火车,整点之后的三十五分还有一班。There's a train every hour on the hour and every thirty-five minutes past the hour.

讨论了一类整点非扩展矩阵的小波存在性。We show the existence of A-dilation wavelets for some non-expansive integral matrices.

一到整点,成百上千的落地钟和布谷钟齐鸣。The hour strikes and the melody of hundreds of grandfather and cuckoo clocks rings out.

从早上六点到午夜,每小时整点的时候,扬声器都会播放爱国歌曲。Every hour, on the hour, from 6 am to midnight, loudspeakers blast out a patriotic song.

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她回到家之后,学习了如何根据钟表来表达一些整点的时间。When she came back, she learned how to express some integral time according to the clock.

本文将圆内整点问题的谢尔品斯基的结果推广到椭圆的情形。This paper extend the Sierpinski' s result of the Lattice-point problem in a circle to the case of ellipse.

本文给出了计算整点平行六面体上的整点个数的一个优美公式。In this paper, the authors get a graceful formula to calculate the number of integral points on the integral point parallelepiped.