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他是我们的支部书记。He is secretary of our branch.

林薇冲动地去找支部书记理论。Linwei impulse to find branch secretary theory.

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我在为女子爬树者俱乐部建一个支部。I'm starting a branch for an all-girl-tree-climber club.

这项聚会主要宣布沙巴行动党古达支部的成立。This occasion marks the launching of the Kudat DAP branch.

他们已经和巫统升旗山支部主席‘断绝关系’。They have thus far ' severed ties' with the Umno Bukit Bendera division chief.

所有工会的不同支部都选举代表参加年度大会。All the different branches of the Union elect delegates to the annual conference.

党支部选举老周接替老王担任支部书记。The Party branch elected Lao Zhou to take over Lao Wang's dunes as its secretary.

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该诉讼于11日在静冈县地方法院滨松支部进行了判决。The action on the 11th District Court in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka branch for the verdict.

美里支部主席房保德和卑尔骚主席主席张李树一行人访弄拉玛和附近长屋。DAP MIRI chairman Fong and Piasau chairman visit Long Lama and the nearby long houses.

中共深圳天源迪科信息技术股份有限公司支部委员会成立。CPC Branch Committee of TYDIC Shenzhen Information Technology Co. , Ltd. was established.

中共深圳天源迪科信息技术股份有限公司总支部委员会成立。CPC Shenzhen TYDIC Information Technology Co. , general branch committee was established.

寇斯特支部的人几乎无法理解他们的小玩意儿为什么这么受欢迎。The members of Custer Lodge could scarcely understand why their little affair was taking so well. Mr.

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我的事情出来以后,公安部一传达,马上支部书记得开会。Li Chang said, "When I was imprisoned, the Ministry of Public Security held meetings to convey the news."

他们当中有后来最终统领黑手党美国支部的约瑟夫博纳诺,昵称乔香蕉。Among them was Joseph Bonanno , nicknamed Joe Bananas, who eventually dominated the US branch of the Mafia.

既为民警解决了实际困难,又增强了基层支部的凝聚力。Both for the police to solve practical problems, but also enhance the cohesion of the grass-roots branches.

党的总支部委员会和支部委员会设纪律检查委员。The committees of general Party branches and Party branches shall have discipline inspection commissioners.

近日,学生党支部还将召开支部大会,投票选举出学生党支部的支部委员。Recently, the students' party branch will hold a meeting to vote the commissioner of students' party branch.

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杜洛埃到市中心去时,顺便到会社的支部所在地去了一下。昆塞尔见到他时,他显出一副得意洋洋的神气。Drouet dropped in at the lodge when he went down town, and swashed around with a great AIR, as Quincel met him.

在美国的民进党“美东支部”说,愿意与中国驻美大使馆进行接触。The East American Branch of the DDP said that they were willing to contact with China's embassy in the United States.

第七,支部定期向上级党部做报告,并接受其指示。Seventh, the Party branch should report regularly to Party headquarters at a higher level and accept its instructions.