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是门牙。The tooth.

门牙,门齿,切牙。Incisor. He used his teeth.

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拔掉我的两个门牙!Pull out my two front teeth!

他的门牙有些往外支。His front teeth stick out a bit.

他的一颗门牙掉了。One of his front teeth has dropped out.

犬牙和门牙挤压在一起。The canine is impacting on the incisor.

人类的门牙看起来很像臼齿。Human incisors look much like bicuspids.

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人类的门牙看起来跟臼齿很像。Human incisors look much like bicuspids.

那孩子的门牙刚长出来。The baby's first front teeth are just coming through.

他的上门牙很长,让他看起来像兔宝宝。His long upper incisors make him look like Bugs Bunny.

但是它们有四颗门牙,而大部分的啮齿类动物只有两颗。But they have four front teeth – most rodents have two.

我跌倒时门牙的珐琅质碰碎了。I chipped the enamel on my front tooth when I fell over.

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你能否像天使一般帮助我把门牙拿出来呢?。Will you be an angel and help me bring out the incisor ?

或者把舌头放在上颚,上排门牙的后面。or place tongue on alveolar ridge, the area behind your top teeth.

齿动物,有一对适于啃咬的不停生长的门牙。Any of various animals similar to one of these long-tailed rodents.

他说话的架势好像我只要再说错一个字,门牙就会挨上一拳。He sounded like one wrong word and I would get socked in the teeth.

上个星期,我六岁的儿子皮尔逊从学校回来,少了一颗门牙。Last week my six year old, Pierson, came home with his front tooth missing.

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银鲛的门牙很大,因此嘴巴无法完全闭拢。The chimaera had large incisors that prevented its mouth from fully closing.

姐姐张雪喜欢边咬指头边笑,笑的时候露着两颗小门牙。Zhang Xue loved to gnaw on her fingers and smile, showing off her baby teeth.

由于纽约郊区的一场摩托车事故,他的门牙掉了。He is missing his front teeth due to a motorcycling accident in rural New York.