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要命,那一定痛死了。Boy, that must have hurt.

他看起来怕得要命。He looks scared to death.

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你是说那响得要命的叮当声?You mean that loud clanking?

他站在那里,怕得要命。He stood there, full of fear.

大臣们简直怕得要命。Ministers are simply terrified.

马丁是一个干起活来不要命的人。Martin is a real demon for work.

可怜的母亲伤心得要命。Our poor mother is sadly grieved.

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楼主你还是别去了!要钱不要命?There is no stop in learning! ! !

它小得可怜,却又吵得要命。It was so small and awfully noisy.

詹姆斯怕坐飞机怕得要命。James is scared to death of flying.

要命,我可是个文明人呐!Confound it, one is a civilized man!

一开头就这样糟糕,可真要命!This is a wretched beginning indeed!

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为什么你总是好斗得要命?Why are you so all-fired aggressive?

婚礼前她仓猝得要命。She got cold feet before her wedding.

拿破仑对剃须刀怕得要命。Napoleon was deadly afraid of a razor.

皮特,不许动,要钱还是要命?Peter, freeze, your money or your life?

第三天冻得要命,将鸟爪冻在了树梢。It froze the birds' claws to the threes.

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他对父亲怕得要命。He was frightened to death of his father.

热得要命,我受不了。I could n't withstand the murderous heat.

你说,是谁不要命了,胆敢要老子做他的孙子?Tell me, who wants me to be his grandson?