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他说,哎呀“He says, "Oops!"

哎呀,你看看我。Oops. Look at me.

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哎呀,你抓到我了!Oops, you caught me!

哎呀,还是我来教你们吧。Oh! Let me teach you.

哎呀,天哪——这风哟!Oh, heavens–this wind!

哎呀!我切到手指了。Ouch! I cut my finger.

哎呀!我不小心犯了个蠢错误。Oops! I made a boo-boo.

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哎呀我的妈呀,我希望我能活到那时候!I hope I can survive it!

哎呀,真是太妙了!Oh, it was just too-too!

哎呀,糟了,违章停车罚款通知单!Oh, no! A parking ticket!

哎呀,我少带了一块钱。Oops! I'm one dollar shy.

哎呀,只是一个梦而已。Aww, that was just a dream.

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哎呀!甜妞,放下!Ouch, Tianniu, put it down!

哎呀,他是容易激动的那类人。Gee, he's an excitable type.

哎呀,不愧是老搭档啊。Oho, you are a true partner.

哎呀,不只是我被弄得如此迷茫!Lumme , not only I am at sea!

哎呀,你们知道吗?By golly, you know what it is?

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哎呀!这是一朵美丽的玫瑰花。By jingo! this is a fine rose.

哎呀,不喜欢这工作。Lumme , I don't like this job.

哎呀,我老婆怎么说这话!Och, what my wife doesn't say!