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做某事出有因是我们的职责。It's one's duty to do sth.

但是美元贬值事出有因。But the dollar is cheap for a reason.

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不能最终在一起总是事出有因。I can"t give you a love that you want."

她满是歉意,但是事出有因。She was apologetic, but had an explanation.

但是那些括号事出有因。But those parentheses are there for a reason.

但是发生的一切皆事出有因。But everything that happened, it’s for a reason.

亲爱的金牛,如你所见,事出有因。As you see, dear Taurus, all things happen for a reason.

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我很抱歉打扰了,但是事出有因,我可以解释。I am sorry to bother, but not accidental, I can explain.

始祖鸟拥有如此奇怪的翅膀一定事出有因。There must be a reason why Xenicibis had such strange wings.

在中国军方看来,美方炒作网络攻击事出有因。In the Chinese military point of view, the network attack is speculation.

我感觉到你保持缄默事出有因,给你写信会使你觉得我纠缠不休。I felt the reasons for your silence, and I feared to seem importunate, by writing.

这样事出有因的生活在现实生活中也是有可能的。It is not possible to live like that in the real world without serious consequences.

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他之所以单身事出有因。有时那是他自己选择,而绝大多数时候则是那些他所约会的女人的选择。Hes a bachelor by choice. Sometimes his own, but mostly the choice of the women hes dated.

生命的意义是什么?是否一切事出有因?为何苦难会降临到世间?What's the meaning of life? Does everything happen for a reason? Why is there suffering in the world?

俄罗斯的朋友伊朗,希腊,塞浦路斯,匈牙利,亚美尼亚和叙利亚都不喜欢土耳其。而且是事出有因的。Russia's friends Iran, Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Armenia and Syria do not like Turkey. And for good reasons.

主要商会的说客们称,这一次,他们到目前为止之所以仍然袖手旁观事出有因。Lobbyists for the major trade groups point to other reasons they've taken a largely hands-off approach so far.

事出有因,导致拉达尼恩·汤姆林森并没有参加这个星期三的训练,当然,这也算不上是什么大事。LaDanian Tomlinson did not participate in practice on Wednesday, which isn't a huge deal for a pair of reasons.

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所有事情都事出有因。通过我父亲的死才塑造了如今的我,一个能负担起家庭责任的儿子。All things happen for a reason. The death of my father helped shape me into the person I am today, a dutiful son.

不管外面天气有多热,大部分人还是不敢冒险在任何一条纽约的河里游泳,当然这是事出有因的。No matter how hot it is outside, most people wouldn't venture to swim in any of New York's rivers -- and for good reason.

对于某些事出有因、被害人确有过错的绑架行为不宜定绑架罪。If there is a good reason for the kidnapping and the victim does have mistakes, it should not be convicted as the crime of kidnapping.