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我们试图夜袭。We attempted an attack by night.

他们企图夜袭。They attempted an attack by night.

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第一个计划是夜袭,被拒绝了。The first plan, attacking at night, was turned down.

解放军突然夜袭,占领了那个城市。The PLA men seized the city in a sudden night attack.

他和他的父母喜欢夜袭旅客。He and his partners liked to waylay travelers at night.

她热切的面孔如雨夜袭我的梦。Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.

指挥官命令他的士兵脸和手涂黑以进行夜袭。The commander ordered his soldiers to black up for the night attack.

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他拿着小刀,朝那无形的夜袭者弹了一下鼻屎,翻个身,关灯。Flips booger with knife toward invisible intruder, rolls over, turns off light.

我们发动那次夜袭,夺取半毁掉了一座远程大炮。当时,我已是中士了。I was already sergeant when we made a night attack and captured and blew up Long Tom.

舰载雷达有助于对敌舰或海防设施进行准确的夜袭。Battleship radar sets permit accurate night bombardment of enemy ships or shore installations.

夜袭过后,两名男子被拘留5天,却一直没有受到讯问,之后就被释放。Two men were detained for five days after the raid, but were released without being questioned.

此外,不满夜袭民宅和轰炸造成平民伤亡的情绪也与日俱增。And there is increasing distress at night raids on homes and civilian casualties from air strikes.

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在Loyi河上,在夜袭的影响似乎已经疏远甚至当地执法官员。In Loyi Rud, the effects of the night raid appear to have alienated even the local law enforcement officials.

凯恩死去的同时,玛加萨命令他的部落开始夜袭雷霆崖和附近城镇。The moment Cairne dies, Magatha orders her tribe to begin a night siege on Thunder Bluff and the surrounding towns.

当意识到我们有多少朋友在夜袭中丧命时,屋内的气氛顿时阴郁起来。There was gloom in the room when it was realized how many of our friends had gone for a Burton during the night's raids.

宋哲元29军大刀队夜袭喜峰口,将数百日军用大刀一律砍为两截。Song Zheyuan 29 broadsword army put a moonlighting on Xifengkou, and cut millions enemies into two parts with broadswords.

卡尔扎伊以前也曾经作过强烈反对某些军事战术,如夜袭,后来也不了了之。Karzai has previously made strong statements against certain military tactics — such as night raids — only to back off from them later.

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英曼自己的靴子还不错,参加这场夜袭,他只是想看看这一天的战果。Though his own boots were in fair shape, Inman made a late-night foray onto the field simply to see what the day's effort had accomplished.

例如库罗帕金将军鉴于战壕之设,令双方相持不下,为求打破僵局,筹划夜袭德军。General Kuropatkin, for instance, once planned a night attack on the German lines in an effort to break the stalemate imposed by the trench system.

胡闰月跑汪二久处告状,两人谋划着怎么除掉枣花柳絮,商议着让三木派兵夜袭瓦窑堡去抓女八路。Hu ran Wang Erjiu at month two people complain, and plan how to get rid of Zaohua catkins, let Miki negotiate with the troops on Wayaopao to catch eight female road.