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为什么是标量值呢?Why a scalar value?

我们称他们为标量。We call those scalars.

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还可查看这其中哪些是标量,哪些是柱状。You can also see which of them are scalar and columnar.

点积是三个标量的乘积,所以是个标量。The dot product, being the product of three scalars, is a scalar.

每个标量都有唯一的值,或者是字符串或者是引用。There is only a scalar in memory, and it contains a scalar value.

比较PSK及1818立体坐标量测仪所得相对定向的精度。To compare the precision of the PSK and the 1818 stereo-comparators.

而是基态标量胶球很好的候选者。The scalar state may be a good candidate for the ground scalar glueball.

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可在使用标量表达式的位置调用标量值函数。Scalar-valued functions can be invoked where scalar expressions are used.

一个赝矢量和一个矢量的标识称为赝标量。The dot product of a pseudo vector and a vector is called a pseudoscalar.

我们将用惯性矢量来定义惯性标量。Inertia scalars are defined in terms of quantities called inertia vectors.

它是标量的有序集合,因此需要额外的功能来处理它。They are sequential collections of scalars, so extra functionality is needed.

联合SIMD结算的各个结果到一个标量返回值上。Consolidate the values calculated using SIMD into a single scalar return value.

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在此上下文中不允许使用子查询。只允许使用标量表达式。Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed.

这个函数可以用来平滑任何一种值,位置,颜色,标量。The function can be used to smooth any kind of value, positions, colors, scalars.

这个示例将在不同表中存储布尔值、标量、数组和散列。This example will store booleans, scalars, arrays, and hashes in separate tables.

要为哈希表、数组和标量都提供视图多好呀,为什么不呢?If different views can be provided for hashes, arrays, and scalars, why stop there?

那么在一个空间上的区域的三重积分,对标量dV做积分。OK, so triple integrals over a region in space, we integrate a scalar quantity, dV.

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最后,对32位标量处理器进行了FPGA验证。Finally, the whole 32bit scalar micro-processor has verified using FPGA prototyping.

除子标量乘是超椭圆曲线密码体制中的关键运算。Plaintext imbedded into the divisors of a hyperelliptic curve is a key work in HECC.

早期的自聚焦研究是在考虑了傍轴近似和标量场近似的前提下得到的。The early research was based on the scalar approximation and paraxial approximation.