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不再有借口或疑虑。No buts or maybes.

这是一个借口。That is an excuse.

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没有任何借口。There is no excuse.

不存在什么借口。There are no excuses.

不要找任何借口拖延。Don’t brook any delays.

我不能相信他的借口。I can't buy his excuse.

剽窃没有借口。No excuses for plagiarism.

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最常见的借口是什么?What is the common excuse?

是当混蛋的借口。An excuse to be an asshole.

他结结巴巴的讲了个借口。He stammered out an excuse.

许多人都有一个借口。Most people have an excuse.

不要推托找借口!Don't refuse or make excuses!

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这种环境下,没什么借口好找。It's a no-excuse environment.

这次你的借口又是什么?What’s your excuse this time?

距离只是一个借口。Distance is just a subterfuge.

另外,别让时间成为你的借口。Don’t let time be your excuse.

我精心编造了各种借口。I concocted elaborate excuses.

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这样做你就没有借口。Make it so you have no excuse.

那都是费话,都是借口。That all costs, are an excuse.

你曾用过这种借口吗?Have you ever used that excuse?