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预见祸患,避祸一半。A danger foresee is half avoided.

自远古以来,人类就不断的努力以寻求防灾避祸的有效措施。From ancient times, man began to find the effective measures for reliefing disasters.

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后来人们就把重阳节登高的风俗看作是免灾避祸的活动。Later, people will bring in the custom Festival assume a disaster is seen as a refuge activities.

许多病房获知此凶讯后,连忙跑下楼或紧闭房门避祸。Informed of this good news in many wards, the door closed quickly ran down the stairs or avoid misfortune.

船员们甚为惊恐,船长叫醒了梦中的约拿,让他向他的神呼求,可以消灾避祸。The sailors were terrified. The captain woke Jonah asking him to call on his God and see what he could do.

利百加知道她所爱的儿子雅各必须离家避祸,可是如何说服丈夫以撒呢?Rebekah knew her favourite, Jacob, would have to leave home. But how could she get her husband Isaac to approve?

一方面以避祸全身,另一方面幻想通过隐逸实现对现实的超越。On the one hand to avoid body, on the other hand illusion Seclusion to achieve through the transcendence of reality.

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宋代民间巫术表达的是巫术避祸趋利与美好期望意思表示的传统意义。The meaning of witchcraft in folk is still the same with the tradition such as avoiding misfortune and seeking profit.

人若想得福而避祸,在还没有谈到做善事之前,最要紧的是先要把过失改掉才行。If we wish to obtain good fortune and avoid misfortune, we must start first with reform before we even contemplate kind behavior.

从小说写作的时代背景来看,这种煞费苦心的构造也是作者避祸的特殊心理使然。Considering the background of this novel, the construction painstakingly taken by the author is made from the author's special psychological nature.

吼怒的炮弹,在一片火海中的城镇,避祸的人群,被毁坏的天然风景,以及无尽的愤恨和争端。Something told us that the war was true and awful, such as whistling bombs, afire town, escaped people, broken natural sceneries and endless hatred and conflicts.

清军入关后,他南奔避祸,期望南明政权恢复旧土,但无望而北返,也无意隐居埋名,最终投效清廷,荣宠备至。When the hope was extinct, he came back from the south without hesitation, and he didn't retire into seclusion but gave his allegiance to the Qing government, which brought him honor and glory.

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从那以后,登山、佩戴茱萸、喝菊花酒成了重阳节的传统习俗,用来驱灾避祸。Since then, climbing a mountain, carrying a spray of dogwood and drinking chrysanthemum wine became the traditional activities of the Double Ninth Festival, to avoid evil spirits and misfortunes.

正是由于这种清醒深刻的生命意识,魏晋诗人才以狂狷怪诞的言行来全身避祸,鲁迅称他们这种看似荒诞不经的言行为“魏晋风度”。It is the sober and deep life consciousness that leads to the unrestrained, eccentric words and deeds of the poets of Weijin for taking refuge, which was called "the demeanour of Weijin" by Luxun.