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目前尚好。So far so good.

目前最好的球队?Gfx Best team so far?

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姚明目前拥有大鲨鱼队。He now owns the team.

好吧,至少截至目前为止。Well, at least for now.

瓦妮莎目前还没有工作。Vanessa still has no job.

目前算得都对吧Is my math correct so far?

目前有“一勾勾”传播基地在活动。It has a strong mass base.

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所以到目前为止,麦草的确是个优胜者!So for now, it’s a winner!

目前,这个网上组织已有646名成员了。The group has 646 members.

你目前所在的地点是控制室。You are in a control room.

目前生意萧条不振。Business is slack just now.

目前冰机检查。Check ice machine if psent.

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目前而言,前景一片曦微。For now, prospects are dim.

目前她也病危。She is also critically ill.

目前在西街之一。There's one in West Street.

目前瑞典队是多少名?What is Master X's number ?

目前为止,你还不能使用Webp。For now, you can't use WebP.

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目前已经通过3C认证。Has passed 3C certification.

目前是否存在公众恐慌?IV. Is there a panic so far?

她目前已完全痊愈。She has now fully recovered.