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或者你过去有使用过梵语吗?Or have you used them in the past?

我还成功运用过别的梵语。I’ve used other mantras to great success.

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在梵语中,维迪亚是“知识”的意思。In ancient Sanskrit word, Vidya means "knowledge."

梵语和北印度语所用的一种音节体。A syllabic script used in writing sanskrit and hindi.

般怛啰也是梵语,翻译中文叫“伞盖”。Bo da la is also Sanskrit and translates as "canopy."

毗湿奴,梵语神话中的创造与维持之神。Vishnu, the Supreme God of creation and preservation.

“坦陀罗”这个词是梵语,印度教的宗教语言。The word Tantra is Sanskrit, the sacred language of Hinduism.

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毗湿奴,梵语神话中的创造与维持之神。Vishnu, which is the Supreme God of creation and preservation.

梵语的真言也是一种基于声音的神秘能量。Sanskrit mantra is a mystical energy encased in a sound structure.

受到梵语的影响,整个古老社会的语言发生了变化。Languages changed all over the ancient world, influenced by Sanskrit.

不过,如果要追溯到它的源头,我们得细数一系列语言——拉丁语,希腊语,阿拉伯语,波斯语以及梵语。But it goes back to Latin and Greek and Arabic and Persian and Sanskrit.

“缘”在梵语中解释为“原因”,和“因”一起合称为“因缘”。"Edge" in Sanskrit as "reasons", and "because" with the co-called "karma.

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如果一位梵文学者用梵语对我说话,我会跟着他说,但我自己却不能说。If a pundit speaks to me in Sanskrit I can follow him, but I cannot speak it myself.

因此我打算在比赛过程中每次我想要去追赶别人时,就反复默念这句梵语。So I plan to repeat my mantra every time I feel myself getting caught up in the race.

现在我是个全职的博客者了,感谢这句梵语,当然也感谢你们所有人。I’m now a full-time blogger, thanks to the mantra, and thanks of course to all of you.

梵语和德拉威语也是相互影响。There has also been reciprocal influence between Sanskrit and the Dravidian languages.

梵语古典文学是在吠陀和史诗的基础上发展起来的。The classic Sanskrit literature flourished on the basis of the Vedic and Epic literature.

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梵语诗学中的“庄严”与现代意义上的文学修辞存在很多差异。Alankara in Sanskrit poetics is quite different from the figure of speech in the modern term.

我每天诵读,而且我做的每件事无论如何都与这句梵语相一致。I repeated that every day, and almost every action I did was somehow aligned with that mantra.

最里面的神龛处有个僧侣在唱诵,听到发音纯正的梵语感觉很好。A priest in the innermost shrine was chanting and it was nice to hear well-pronounced Sanskrit.