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你知道,这个地区的地头蛇是谁吗?You know, in this region who are the boss.

那家商店的老板是这个镇上的地头蛇。That shopkeeper is a scoundrel in the town.

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可是强龙不压地头蛇。However, strong dragon does not pressure the local bosses.

他是这一片的地头蛇,他与塔利班肯定有勾搭,至于走得有多近,这没人知道。He's got to be involved with the Taliban. How much, no one knows.

虽说强龙压不过地头蛇,但是你们要知道!Although strong pressure but Long Detou She, however, you need to know!

曲筱绡认为必须找当地的地头蛇做中间人,双方讲和。QuXiao gauze think must find local extortionate do middleman, both sides make peace.

与之形成鲜明对比的是,普适性智力与个人已经取得的成绩或成就无关,它可不管你是地头蛇还是什么名人。In contrast, general intelligence is not a form of achievement, whether local or renowned.

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如果那些地头蛇们能决定周围人的选票,直接把他们搞定显然要便宜得多。If the big shot determines how individuals vote, it is obviously cheaper to buy his support directly.

安迪来见包奕凡,包奕凡将姜律师介绍给她们,姜律师就是当地的地头蛇,说话很有份量。Andy came to BaoYi whoever, BaoYi who introduced ginger lawyers to them, is local extortionate ginger lawyers, talk has a lot of weight.

然而大美从未在巴西去得过杆位,自从2006年跟rubens做队友以来,他的排位赛也没有比地头蛇。Perhaps more tellingly, however, Button has never taken pole in Brazil and since becoming Barrichello's team mate in 2006, has never come close to out-qualifying the local hero.

靠近罗马的沿海地区依旧迷雾重重,一些调查员担心一场地盘争夺战已经在身为地头蛇的当地暴徒和旨在拓展势力范围的卡莫拉组织之间展开。What is happening along the coast near Rome is unclear. Some investigators fear a turf war may have started between local hoodlums and Camorra mobsters intent on expanding their influence.