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用吸油纸吸去油光。Use blotting paper to remove shine.

石板瓦下面垫着油纸。The slates were underlaid with oilpaper.

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用吸油纸吸油,再放到盘中。Absolve oil with kitchen paper, and move to plate.

以牛油纸盖面,隔水蒸45分钟。Cover with greaseproof paper, steam for 45 minutes.

将已炸好的小牛排移到放有吸油纸的盘子里滤油。Transfer to a plate lined with paper towel to drain.

之后去掉箔纸,线和防油纸。Remove the foil and cut through string, paper and sandwich.

彩色油纸溢满了收获的喜悦,我们飞翔,我们放歌!Color oilpaper overflow of the joy of harvest, we fly, we song !

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切口朝下,将面团放到抹油或是铺油纸的烤盘上。Place cut side down, on a greased or parchment-lined baking pan.

他们制造油纸雨伞已经有400多年的历史了。They have been making oiled paper umbrellas for more than 400 years.

因怕丢失,用油纸包裹,一直藏在门前千年古树的树洞里。Because of fear of loss, Zhang hides it in the tree hole with oil-paper parcels.

柠檬膏和香菜提取物能好似一个天然的吸油纸,能够深深地清洁肌肤。Lemon Balm and Parsley Extracts deeply cleanse and act as a natural oil blotter.

因此,用烹调吸油纸可以更简单地除去油脂,以及控制你的日常饮食。It is much easier to use these sheets to pick up the grease and control your diet.

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中药袋、筷子袋、牙刷袋等一切防油纸类袋子。Medicine bags, chopsticks bag, toothbrush category greaseproof paper bags and all bags.

每个舱的鱼粉全部卸完后要把舱底的油纸卷起来。Wind up the polythene papers on the bottom after all fish meal is discharged in each hold.

主要研究了油纸绝缘的直流局部放电规律。The rules of partial discharge in oil-immersed insulation under DC voltage are mainly studied.

元、明发展出工艺相对简单的油纸镂花印染技术之后,夹缬风行中原,在民间流行下来。It was popular among the folk people in Yuan and Ming dynasties but no record on this technology left.

一位老者吃掉油纸包裹的食品之后,走了大约50米将纸扔进垃圾筒。After eating the contents of an oily paper bag, an elderly man walks some 50 meters to dump it in a bin.

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介绍了一种新型全密封阻爆式油纸电容套管及其性能和特点。The new full-enclosed explosion-resistant oil-paper capacitor bushing and its characteristics are introduced.

油纸在巴生港太贵了,所以为了中租的利益,我只买了十卷。Polythene paper is too expensive in Port Kelang. Therefore I bought only 10 rolls in the interests of Zhongzu.

胭脂纸有两层,上层采用吸油纸,起到清洁嘴唇作用,下层为胭脂纸,用来上妆。The upper consists Oil-absorbing paper which can clean lips. The lower is rouge paper which we can use to it makeup.