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高温使陶土硬化。Great heat indurates clay.

我们称为硬化性腺病。I may call sclerosing adenosis.

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门区神经元脱失仅在海马硬化组可见。Hilus neuron lost in HS groups only.

静脉瓣也发作萎缩、硬化。Venous attack also shrinking, hardening.

如果结节性脑硬化的确是凶手?。What if the tuberous sclerosis is guilty?

过一段时间之后,混凝土就会硬化。The concrete will set after a certain time.

病灶近髓腔侧有细的硬化线。Well-defined sclerotic edge near the medulla.

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人老了,关节也硬化了。The man is getting old and his joints are stiff.

硬化油能让你的指甲干净而健康。Hardener helps keep your nails clean and healthy.

哦,等等,是亚急性硬化脑膜炎!No wait, it's subacute sclerosis panencephalitis!

干燥蛋制品不应硬化。Dried egg products should not be caked or hardened.

硬化的地板胶只能用机械方法清除。Hardened adhesive can only be removed mechanically.

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结节性硬化是一种常见的终身性疾病,需要长期随访。Is getting a waist to take off lifelong sex disease?

水性系统或无溶剂紫外线硬化系统使用之润湿剂。Water based or solvent free UV curing wetting agent.

在硬化斗渠中仅查出1只感染性钉螺。Only 1 infected snail was found in a cement Dou ditch.

我试过用一些指甲硬化剂,但是没用。I’ve tried nail hardeners, but they don’t seem to help.

皮质腺瘤是结节硬化的特异性表现。Adenoma sebaceum is pathognomonic of tuberous sclerosis.

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极端情况下,受冻组织会变白并硬化。In extreme cases, the tissue will turn white and harden.

此类型的硬化性胆管炎在国外较为常见。This type of sclerosing cholangitis is prevalent abroad.

在低温时易结晶、硬化。At low temperature, it is easy to crystallize and harden.