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阳光能导致未老先衰。The sun can cause premature ageing.

他懒极了,因此未老先衰。He was so lazy that he rusted out when he was still young.

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在后来伦勃朗的肖像画中,被画的对象总显得未老先衰。In later portraits Rembrandt seems to age his sitters prematurely.

他懒得萎靡不振,因此早就未老先衰了。He was too lazy to exert himself and rusted out long before his time.

钱财对于家庭是个悲剧,使我未老先衰。Money was the tragedy of the family. It made an old woman of me before my time.

用于面色无华,未老先衰,肌肤干燥,形容憔悴。Uses in the facial color being plain, presenility, the flesh is dry, looks wan.

唏嘘的胡茬,未老先衰的容颜,黯淡的双眼,一种悲怆猛击心扉。SOB long mustaches, prematurely senile appearance, dark eyes and a pathetique slam doors.

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世界各地的体育场上依然爬满了恐龙——未老先衰的摇滚歌星。The world's domains were recently crawling with dinosaurs. in the form of old rock stars.

形容枯槁、未老先衰的勒布慢吞吞地说,“我的口袋里装满了从桌子上偷来给老婆和孩子的食物。Full with my pockets was all food I had just stolen from the dinner table for my wife and our poor children.

当时他早已未老先衰了。他在布道后走进来,常诉说风湿关节炎和感冒之苦。He was getting old then long before his time. He'd come in from his sermons complaining of rheumatism and the cold.

在一系列卓有成效的实验中,研究人员从“未老先衰”的孩子身上提取出细胞,并让他们恢复了健康。In remarkable experiments, researchers took cells from children who were old before their time and made them healthy again.

一个从成体细胞克隆出来的人得癌症或未老先衰的危险可能更高,不过我们要真正了解这一点可能还需若干年的时间。A person cloned from an adult cell might have a higher risk of cancer or premature aging, but we wouldn't know that for years.

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现代人为防止未老先衰就应当加强身体锻炼,并及时滋补,改善肾虚衰老症状。Modern takes exercise to prevent prematurely senile to ought to strengthen the body, seasonable and nourishing, improve symptom of kidney empty consenescence.