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我们不得而知,”埃贝尔说。We don’t know, ’’ Ebel said.

至于能否为善,我可就不得而知了。Whether capable of good I know not.

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他的身高体重不得而知。His height and weight are uncertain.

是否确实如此现在还不得而知。Whether this is so may never be known.

目前这种作法的代价还不得而知。The cost of this is at the moment unkown.

谁将主理主办把持会议,还不得而知。Who will chair the meeting is still unknown.

术后疝气的长期复发率尚不得而知。The long-term recurrence rate is not yet known.

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毛发水栅的功效如何我们不得而知。It's unclear how much good the hair booms may do.

安舒兹的交易在财务上能否圆满解决还不得而知。Anschutz's deal may come out in the financial wash.

但是,高具有多大的自主权仍然不得而知。But just how much autonomy Mr Gao has is uncertain.

是上帝的恩惠还是恶魔的召唤,不得而知。It is sacred benefaction or diabolical call, unknown.

目前,Tam的真实身份是如何被发现的还不得而知。It was unclear how Tam's real identity was discovered.

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我们似乎明了,却又不得而知。Seem as if we can palpability, but unable to find out.

他们是否能够慧眼识珠,发现新的多尼,我们不得而知。You can never know, they could find a "new" Marangon Doni.

然而,畸形儿病例大量发生的原因不得而知。And still the cause of the phocomelia outbreak remained unknown.

只定还会有第四件扰乱着他心绪的事情,但时至今日他还不得而知。There was to be a fourth thing, but as yet he knew nothing of it.

刘玉玲饰演一个律师,但是详细情况还不得而知。Liu would play a lawyer, but exact details haven't been disclosed.

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奥巴马将在这次峰会中扮演怎样的角色目前尚不得而知。So far, it is unclear how big a role the president-elect will play.

考夫曼称这是意外还是蓄谋则不得而知。Kaufmann said it was not clear if it was an accident or an aimed hit.

卡尔扎伊是有权力命令停止这样的空袭还不得而知。It is unclear if Karzai has the power to order an end to such strikes.