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我们必须重新充充电了。We need to be re-wired.

检查并为雷达充电。Check and charge the GPR.

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请将电瓶充电。Charge the battery,please.

好好休息,充充电。Have a good break, recharge!

我需要经常给它充电。You have to charge it often.

我需要给手机充电。I need to re-charge my mobile.

我每周都给电池充电。I top up the battery every week.

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使用USB接口充电的电子产品Use USB Rechargeable Electronics

我需要充电我的大哥大。I need to recharge my cell phone.

重型自我充电主页基座?。Heavy duty Self-charging Home Base?

蓄电池正在充电。The storage battery is bng charged.

为了快速充电每半小时停一次?A half-hour stop for a quick charge?

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您车子的电瓶充电容易吗?。Does your car battery charge easily?

也可用外接的电源充电。Also can use the product while charing.

一个顶级的充电电池制造商。A top rechargeable battery manufacturer.

他答应给我车上的蓄电池充电。He promised to charge up my car battery.

充电正常,电量?丧正常,或可以道是相称的省电。Battery can be charged normally in WP7 OS.

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他说,“这个地方能为所有兆丰手表充电。”He said. “It charges all MegaTime watches.”

这种蓄电池很容易充电。This kind of storage battery charges easily.

可以把汽车接入到墙壁上充电。Cars could be plugged into walls to recharge.