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阴云预示有雨。The clouds promise rain.

晴朗的天空突然阴云密布。The sunny sky suddenly clouded.

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抬头看见阴云密布。Look up and see dark storm clouds.

镜子河畔,单车驶过,阴云密布。River glass, cycle past, overcast.

腾格拉尔的眉际掠过一片阴云。A cloud passed over Danglars' brow.

阴云带来要下雨的征兆。The clouds brought a threat of rain.

阴云密布,看来快下暴雨了。The clouds are gathering for a storm.

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阴云密布预示着一场暴风雨的来临。The heavy black clouds threatened a storm.

太阳透过阴云照耀着。The sun beamed throught the dreary clouds.

你是否遇上了衰老病痛和死亡的阴云?A sickness--weak old age--distress and death?

如果你心里阴云密布,天就总是灰的。if you are a melancholic soul, it seems always cloudy.

外面阴云四布,湖上阴暗下来。It was clouding over outside and the lake was darkening.

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爸爸的葬礼在黎明进行,天空阴云密布,非常沉重。The morning of Dad's funeral dawned overcast and dreary.

它给地上的阴云抹上了天堂的金辉Touching with Heaven's gold earth's darkest storm clouds

两个钟头前还是阳光明媚的,现在天空已阴云密布了。It was sunny two hours ago,but now the sky has dulled over.

薄暮初上,阴云密布的天空飘起了雪花。Twilight came on. Snow fell from the darkening, leaden sky.

中国东部的阴云或者雨天可能有碍日食的观测。In the east of the country, heavy cloud or rain obscured it.

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战争阴云挥之不去,热点问题此起彼伏。The danger of war is looming, and hot issues keep cropping up.

哈里顿听了这一套孩子气的话,脸像阴云一般黑。Hareton grew black as a thunder cloud, at this childish speech.

走过白天与阴云覆盖着大地的黑夜Through day and night with the great cloud darkening the land...