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他在400米跨栏赛中获胜。He won the 400 metres hurdles.

我“漂”过了跨栏。Once, I had sailed over the hurdles.

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嗨,露西,你昨天看刘翔的跨栏比赛了吗?Hi, Lucy. Did you see Liuxiang's hurdle race?

她八十米跨栏用了十一秒零点六的时间。She clocked 11.6 seconds for the 80-metres hurdles.

基础训练对跨栏非常重要。B. Basic conditioning is very important to good hurdling.

有多少你认识的人去做400米栏跨栏?How many people do you know who do the 400-meter hurdles?

一个恰当的例子是世界著名的跨栏赛跑明星刘翔。A case in point is the world famous star hurdle r, Liu Xiang.

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此外,有跨栏和障碍赛跑110米栏。In addition, races are run over hurdles and barriers from 110meters.

写下世界纪录为110米跨栏跑,为男性。Write down the world record for the 110-meter-hurdle race for males.

她通过在自家农场里跳跨干草捆学会了跨栏。She learnt to hurdle by leaping over bales of hay on her family's farm.

“姚明和跨栏明星刘翔推动了中国的自豪感,”Yang说道。"Yao Ming and star hurdler Liu Xiang boosted Chinese pride," said Yang.

运动员一个接一个超过我,如飞跨栏而去。A runner passed me, then another and another. Over the hurdles they flew.

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刘翔是本世纪初国内外著名的110米跨栏选手。Liu Xiang is the beginning of this century of well-known 110-meter hurdler.

个跨栏周期的平均速度是影响运动员能否夺冠的主要因素。The average speed of 9 periods of hurdling is the main factor in fluencing.

刘翔在2004年雅典奥运会上打破了男子110米跨栏比赛的记录。Liu Xiang broke the record of men's 110-meter hurdle race in the 2004 Athens.

在这次田径运动会上,这位世界头号400米跨栏运动员大出风头。The world's top 400-meter hurdler stole the show at the track and field meet.

1998年,刘翔的跨栏技能被他的教练孙海平关注到了?英文怎么说-招财猫问答。In 1998, the hurdler Liu Xiang's coach Sun Haiping skills by his attention to?

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数月之后,我觉得自己已经能够参赛了,于是便申请了300米跨栏的资格。After many months I felt ready for track. I qualified for the 300-meter hurdles.

在跨栏训练和比赛中,往往会产生一些不良的心理反映。In the training and competition, we will have some bad psychological reflection.

结果是,谁最终弄倒了跨栏谁就是失败者。Turns out, the person who eventually shattered this barrier was actually a loser.