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粽子是大枣和葡萄干的,甜甜的。Dumplings are dates and raisins, sweet.

艾丽斯喜爱没有红豆的甜味粽子。Alice loves the sweet ones without red beans.

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将裹好的粽子放在锅中,用水淹住。Put the dumplings in a pot, cover with water.

他希望吃到妈妈做的美味的粽子。She wishes to have her mom's delicious zongzi.

包粽子,吃鸡蛋,面包,饺子,龙舟赛。Making Zongzi, eggs, bread, dumpling, boat racing.

日本文献中就记载有“大唐粽子”。Japanese literature records have "datang dumplings".

我回头一看,他们正在有说有笑地包粽子。I looked back, they are laughing and talking to zongzi.

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他们吃甜味粽子和咸味粽子。They eat sweet rice dumplings and salty rice dumplings.

要让一个大粽子彻底煮熟,你需要一个大烤箱。这是一个典型的烤箱。For a big tamal to cook thoroughly, you need a big oven.

粽子是端午节的一个必备食品。Zongzi is an essential food of the Dragon Boat Festival.

如果幸福就是这个粽子,那你就是吃粽子的人!If happiness is the zongzi, that you are eating zongzi person!

说到不加肉的甜味粽子,我丈夫特别喜欢红豆沙口味的。There is something to be said for the meatless sweet dumplings.

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在中国北方,粽子是由米混着枣椰子做成。Zongzi is often made of rice mixed with dates in northern China.

嘉兴粽子,是嘉兴著名特产,具有悠久历史。Jiaxing Zongzi, a famous specialty of Jiaxing, has a long history.

在四川省粽子一般都是蘸糖吃。节日快乐哈...In Sichuan province, Zongzi is usually served with a sugar dressing.

他也一定高看他儿子了,我对一个五岁的男孩子会去学习包粽子持百分之百的怀疑态度。And I believed that my son would not like to learn how to wrap Zongzi.

朱辉思念他的家人并希望吃上他妈妈做的可口的粽子。Zhu Hit misses his family and wishes to have his mom's delicious zongzi.

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朱辉思念他的家人并希望吃上他妈妈的可口的粽子。Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom's delicious zongzi.

一个老人在包粽子,一种用糯米作成的金字塔形状的团子。An aged woman makes zongzi, a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice.

我喜欢没有豆类的甜粽子,但是我不喜欢有肉的咸的粽子。I like sweet rice dumplings with beans, but I don't like salty ones without meat.