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它正好悬挂在山崖上方。It just hung over the cliff.

两座高大山崖使天空变成了一条缝。The sky is necked by the two high cliffs.

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然后他变成了高高山崖上的一块石头。And he was a stone, high up on the mountain-side.

“这感觉就像从山崖边掉了下去,”戈登说道。“It was like dropping it over a cliff, ” she said.

当年修渠的勇士们就住在那些山崖上。In those years, workers lived right on those cliffs.

你想了解中山崖口村人民独特的生产生活方式吗?Do you want to know more about the livelihoods of Yakou Village?

丹霞下由玄色的重积岩和峻峭的山崖构成。Danxia Landforms consist of red sedimentary rock and steep cliffs.

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韩珊坐在山崖下的河水边,昼夜据守。HanShan sitting under the cliff edge, night and day, JuShou river.

容话蹬雪水如琴布般沿着山崖边泻呻河里。The flow of melted snow cascaded down mountainside and into the river.

奎托斯沿着山崖进入了提丰所在的洞穴。Kratos traverses the mountain cliffs and makes his way to Typhon's Cavern.

消溶的雪水如瀑布般沿着山崖边泻入河里。The flow of melted snow cascaded down the mountainside and into the river.

看,白雪还没有从偏僻的山崖消融,迎春花就已经开放在田野。Look, snow is not from a remote cliff ablation, Jasmine has been open in the field.

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它是一个狭窄山谷里的小山村,环绕小港的陡峭山崖上立着座座农舍。It' s a village in a narrow valley with cottages on steep hills around a little harbor.

有一天,山羊在高高的石山崖上吃草,一只饿狼恰好从下边经过。A goat was feeding one day high on a rocky crag when a hungry wolf happened to pass below.

后来他们去山崖下寻找闻道时,发现一个和尚悄悄带走了受伤昏迷的闻道。Then they went to search the scent with cliff, found a monk quietly away injured coma to scent.

在克服了一些困难之后,麦琪终于成功地跳下了一座陡峭的山崖。After conquering some difficulties, Maggie finally succeeded in rappelling down a cliffy mountain.

关口以西的长城城墙,在经过一个保存完整的三眼楼之后止于一段陡峭的山崖。West of the Pass, after a well-preserved 3X3 defense tower, the Great Wall stops at a steep cliff.

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某些特殊的蛙类怎么学会把身体团成一个有弹性的球滚下山崖以逃避危险?How did that other frog learn to turn itself into a bouncy ball and roll down hills away from danger?

两组前往不同的村庄,第三组爬上山崖,占据着战斗地形。Two headed to different villages, while the third climbed up the cliff to take up fighting positions.

普罗旺斯的薰衣草田,多佛的山崖和罗马的古墙都在等着你。And then there are the views of lavender fields in Provence, the cliffs of Dover and Rome's ancient walls.