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光阴之水滚滚而逝,无计挽留。Time of water roll away, no plan.

需要花多大的力气去挽留?How much effort is needed to retain?

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无法触摸,无法挽留,无法相守在一起。Cannot touch , Cannot hold , Cannot be together.

撕心裂肺的挽留,不过是心有不甘的表现。I stay, but the heart has unwilling performance.

千万不要为了结交朋友或者挽留友情而做错一事。Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or keep one.

迩毕竟没有一句挽留,我又何必再自欺欺人。You all do not stay, I again why a self-deception again.

我可以追过去破口大骂,或者双膝跪地挽留他。I can catch the last shout abuse, or knees to detain him.

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第二天,虽然我尽力挽留,施特略夫还是走了。Next day, though I pressed him to remain, Stroeve left me.

小早挽留吴妈给家政公司做顾问。Small early Wu mother to stay home as a consultant company.

古特腐、夫的挽留之举为GE留下了他们历史上最伟大的领袖。Gutuo Fu move for GE left their greatest leaders in history.

九月,说走就走了,就像那些无法挽留的时光。In September, the saying goes, like those who cannot keep time.

另一个层次的,也有人爱把分手挂在口边,希望获得挽留。Another level, it was also likes to split long for hope to retain.

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无法触摸。无法挽留。无法相守在一起。无法彼此相爱。Cannot touch . Cannot hold . Cannot be together. Cannot each other.

那些真切有过的快乐·希望·挽留那快逝去的美丽。Those who really had to stay happy, the fast fading, the beautiful.

拉拉站起身预备分开,凯尔挽留她一同坐坐。Labradors stood up and prepare separate, kyle keep her sit together.

她选了两次也没选择我我还拿什么去挽留呢?She had made two choices but not me, what I could do for detainment?

因“柳”与“留”谐音,“折柳赠别”还有挽留之意。For "Willow" and "stay" harmony "fold" on parting in the willow and retain.

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玩命的往肚里灌水,以挽留要被阳光蒸发的灵魂。So I try to fill my stomach with water to rescue my soal from being vaporized.

失去了才后悔,你的离开是那么的情非得已,可是我的挽留却那么的苍白无力。I regret when i was lost. it is not because for your left but my detainment is weak.

但是,塞尔维亚放弃使用暴力挽留科索沃,北京可以从中学习到一些东西。Still, the Serbian renunciation of violence to retain Kosovo has lessons for Beijing.