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不偷包,人家小偷怎么混饭吃啊?The thief does not steal the bag.

我是个文坛上混饭吃的罢了――他就老爱跟人这么说。I'm just a literary con man, he will say.

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不要小看我们大夫,我们也是拿刀混饭吃的。Don't despise our doctors, we earn our living by handling swords, too.

在这个环保的狭窄的圈子里面,混饭吃的人实在太多了。In the narrow circle of environmental protection, there are so many people muddling along.

作为一名NBA得分后卫他的个子够高且天生得一副在NBA混饭吃所必需的好身板…He has good size for an NBA shooting guard a naturally well built physique that the NBA demands.

不过那时成绩不好的他已经辍学3年,靠自己的双手混饭吃。But then, poor grades, he has already dropped out of school 3 years hands on their own bread where.

他对文化教育怀有很大的敬意,不过他认为这只不过是使人不劳动能混饭吃的一种花招。He had great respect for education, but he believed it was some kind of hocus-pocus that enabled a man to live without work.

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不要以为有点关系就可以在这混饭吃,这的人都是有真本事的。Don't think that you can work here just because of some relationship with the superiors. People here all have real abilities.

最后一点,既然你得暂时靠翻唱别人的歌混饭吃,就不要让它们听上去跟原版没什么两样,要勇于赋予它们你的个人特色。Finally, since you have to play cover song for the time being, don't play them exactly like the record. Don't be afraid to give them your sound.

我们这些通过给软件的质量进行测评混饭吃的人把“测试版”软件和“上市版”软件严格区分开来。Those of us who comment for a living on the quality of software take very seriously the distinction between "beta" software and "shipping" software.