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我是一个小先生。I'm a pupil.

你顶住我的小先生了!You kneed me in my misters!

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蜜蜂渴望小先生。The bee starves for Mr. Child.

彼特是一名优秀的小先生。Peter is a primary school pupil.

不,不,不!你顶住我的小先生了!No, no, no! You kneed me in my misters!

我们因小先生的勇气而钦佩他。We all admire Mr. Child for his strong.

那个小先生总是不远不近地跟着。The young teacher would always wait for her in a certain distance.

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小先生将学会在社会上和文明上运用英语的准确表达方式。Pupils will use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways.

她停顿了一下,“除非你是小先生,他把一生的大部分时间都花在这块拼图上,思索着它最终的可能得出的结果。”" She paused. "Unless you're Desmond Tiny. He spends most of his time considering the puzzle and contemplating alternative patterns.

根据地通过发动干部、选拔在校学生、动员当地知识分子和实行小先生与集体互相学习制等途径弥补了教师的空缺。The problem was solved by mobilizing the cadres, school students and local intellectuals to take active part in the movement and implementing the system of collective study.