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我们都是赤条条地来到这个世界的。We all come into the world without possessions.

把工具袋丢下,赤条条的,白白的。Then naked and white, all their bags left behind.

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这个小男孩赤条条地躺在海滩上晒太阳。The beach in Florida is an ideal place for sunbathing.

人生原来如此简单,它只是一个圆。来时赤条条,走时赤条条。A life is so simple that is a circle. Born naked. Gone naked.

这个小男孩赤条条地躺在海滩上晒太阳。The little boy was sunbathing on the beach in his bithday suit.

第一次赤条条与裸男演性爱戏,过程顺利吗?You had a gay sex scene in the film, was the process smooth sailing?

达夫海军上尉在赤条条的腿上敷好了一层沙子,叹了口气。Lieutenant Dove finished covering his bare legs with sand and groaned.

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这个小男孩赤条条地躺在沙滩上晒太阳。The little boy was having the sunbath on the beach in his birthday suit.

这句跟宝玉说的“赤条条来去无牵挂”意思是一样的我们什么不能带来这个世界,什么也不能带走。For we brought nothing into the world, it is sure that we can't carry anything out.

你以为人家回家后不会跟人说,看见你赤条条地站在自己家的前院里呀?。You think they won't go home and tell others they saw you naked out in your front yard?

自己没有文凭,好像精神上赤条条的,没有包裹。Without it, it was as if he were spiritually stark naked and had nothing to bundle up in.

他们都赤条条一丝不挂,男女老少全都围着一堆火,因为我看到有烟。They were stark naked, men, women, and children, round a fire, as I could discover by the smoke.

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当他们乘汽船经过时,一群浑身赤条条的男孩从眼前晃过,他们在泰晤士河上的泥浆里翻滚。As they passed in the penny-steamer, they had swift pictures of groups of naked boys wallowing in the thames mud.

我们时而看到,有五个小男孩赤条条跳进河里游泳,两个渔民在舢板船上捕鱼,还有一名妇人在河边洗衣服。Every now and again we would see five little boys leaping naked into the water, two fishermen in a canoe or a woman doing her washing.

在盛夏,我们偷偷经过一片被我们称作黑石的空地,脱得赤条条地到丹佛斯河去凉快一圈。On the hottest summer days, we'd sneak off a secluded spot we called ’Black Rock ’, strip naked, and cool off with a swim in the Danvers River.

在盛夏,我们偷偷经过一片被我们称作黑石的空地,脱得赤条条地到丹佛斯河去凉快一圈。On the hottest summer days, we’d sneak off a secluded spot we called ’Black Rock ’, strip naked, and cool off with a swim in the Danvers River.

如果你试的第一套就太小了,穿上后的你就像根腊肠一样,你会赤条条地走出更衣室到沙滩上去吗?If the first one makes your body look like a sausage in a too-small casing, do you stalk out of the dressing room and head for the beach naked ?

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波塞冬看到赤条条的阿佛洛狄忒大为倾倒,十分妒忌阿瑞斯,但他表面上不动声色,假惺惺地对赫菲斯托斯表示同情。Poseidon who, at sight of Aphrodite's naked body, had fallen in love with her, concealed his jealousy of Ares, and pretehded to sympathize with Hephaestus.

今天,我独自一人,赤条条地来到这个世上,没有您的双手指引,我将远离通向成功与幸福的道路。For this day I go out into the world naked and alone, and without your hand to guide me I will wander far from the path which leads to success and happiness.

人赤条条来到世间,也赤条条离开世间,生时没有带来任何东西,死时也带不走任何东西,无论你是君主还是囚徒,是富豪还是乞丐,概莫能外。People bring nothing when given birth, and go away also with nothing when dead. Whether you are a prisoner or a monarch, a rich or a beggar, there is no exception.