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没有新生请。No freshers please.

新生周?什麽是新生周?Freshers Week? What is it?

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荣耀归与新生王!Glory to the newborn King!

我是普林斯顿大学一年级的一名新生。I'm a freshman at Princeton.

这是大一新生的必修课吗?Is it required for freshman?

滋养着新生的小苗。Who nurtures new green sprouts.

你给予您的烹饪‘新生。’You give your cooking new life.

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妈妈带着她的新生宝宝回家了。A new baby came to Jo-Jo's house.

新生请不要浪费时间。Freshers please don't waste time.

九段沙是长江口新生沙岛。Jiuduansha is a new river island.

我如同新生的生命一般。Just like some new-born creature, I.

那么,这个新生现在害怕我们了吗?So, is the new one afraid of us yet?

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所谓的新生工业是永远长不大的。The so-called infants never grow up.

我是同济大学大一年级的新生。I am a freshman of Tongji University.

新生小鸡雏的性别是很难判断的。It's difficult to sex newborn chicks.

那群新生,我才刚开始教他们呢!I’ve barely begun with the new group!

某王姓同学是大一新生。Wang Zhuonan is a freshman at college.

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陈燕喆是西班牙语专业的大一新生。Chen is a freshman majoring in Spanish.

据说是一个来自国外的新生。It’s said that a new comer from abroad.

新生的小狗娃从一个房间到另一个房间地闲荡。The new puppy strayed from room to room.