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他靠卖文活命。He found a living in literature.

我可以如此靠饮动物的血活命吗?I know, it gets cold so quickly.

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三个人被杀,三个人活命。Three were killed and three lived.

我心欣慕救主活命道理。My spirit pant for Thee O living word.

起先他是我的救命恩人---我当时靠偷东西吃活命。He was my savior at first—I was stealing food to survive.

我实实给恁讲,信的人有永活。我是活命的饼。Very truly, I tell you, whoever believes has eternal life.

对他们说,你们要存留这一切妇女的活命吗And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?

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如果能活的更长,很好,但那时已经是借日子在活命了。If I live longer, great, but I'd be living on borrowed time.

阿舆奉承的人是靠听信谗言的人活命的。Every flatterer lives at the expense of those who listen to him.

因为一切生物都是靠吃别的东西来活命的After all, all living creatures live by feeding on something else

问约瑟的兄弟更好,因为他们到最后要靠约瑟才能活命。Better yet, ask his brothers who ended up relying on him for their survival.

如果你不知道怎么用肘部挤着前行,那你不可能在莫斯科的麦德龙活命!You can’t survive in the Moscow Metro without knowing how to elbow other people.

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掳掠过来的山民则被带到悬崖边上,逼其跳到对面崖顶,跳过者可活命。The looted villagers were brought to the brink and compelled to jump across the cliff.

可是不能活命的预感,岂止是她预料的可怕而已?But the prospect of failing to survive was not merely frightening, as she had expected.

每画一笔,他都希望看管他的狱卒会喜欢这幅画,让他活命。He hoped, with every brush-stroke, that his jailers would like his work and let him live.

仙方活命饮应用于痈疡肿毒初起,热毒壅聚,气滞血瘀。It is applied for the early large carbuncles , with accumulated hot toxin and Qi blood stasis.

当然钱可以给他最好的医疗看护但不能保证活命。Of course money can get him the best health care possible but no money can buy insurance for a life.

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“天朝物产丰富,从不假外夷以通有无”,而外夷无中国则难以活命。"Heavenly rich, and never leave in order to pass any Yi", and Yi-free survival is difficult in China.

任何需要一枚新器官来活命的人当然会一遍又一遍的经受这样的折磨。Of course, anybody who needs an new organ to survive would go through such an ordeal over and over again.

三个士兵为了活命和魔鬼签订了卖身契,七年到期后他们就会变成魔鬼的财产。Three soldiers signed an agreement with the devil. They would become property of the devil after 7 years.