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乌利中尉一诺千金地回答。Uli lieutenant answered as well as gold.

他对我们的许诺不过是个一诺千金而已。What he promised us is but a lip-service.

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一诺千金会让你交到很多朋友。As good as gold will allow you to make many friends.

做事先做人,最珍贵的莫过一诺千金。Do prior life, the most precious is as good as gold.

你可能会说你的孩子是一诺千金当他在学校表现不错的表现。You might say your child was good as gold when he behaved well at school.

金九福对信誉一诺千金,对客户及合作伙伴赤诚如金。Jinjiufu keeps its promise of faith and is as sincere as gold to its partners.

古人有一诺千金的说法,这说法是很准确的。The ancient has a promise that can be counted on view , this view is very correct.

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正所谓一言九鼎的出处就是帝王一诺千金的象征!Is the source of the so-called authoritative, is the symbol of the emperor as good as gold!

然而中英商人仍能互相信任,无论交易额如何钜大,均口头成交,一诺千金。Yet, there was mutual trust and the spoken word alone was sufficient for even the largest transactions.

重新捡回老祖宗的“一诺千金”,不要忙着承诺,仔细想想后再说。Take back from Chinese tradition the COMMITMENT. Don't say YES, NO PROBLEM in a hurry, think it over before any promise.

这家酒店对内严格管理,对外服务至上,一诺千金,受到了顾客的一致好评。This hotel has strict management internally and provides uppermost service to customers. It is received good comments from customers for keeping its promise.

“一诺千金,优质服务”,本公司全体同仁将真诚与您沟通合作,共创双赢事业!"As good as gold, and quality service", the Company will in good faith of all my colleagues in co-operation and communication with you to create a win-win business!

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“生千金”谐音为“生前景”指能有个好的前途和希望、也有一诺千金,前途无量之意。The "give birth to a daughter" homophonic cans have a good prospect and hopes and also has for"while was living view"'s pointing one promise daughter, idea of unlimited future.