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每车公里客运密度?。Passengers Per Bus-Kilometer?

每车次客运密度?。Average Passenger-Kilometers Per Vehicle Run?

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您要去台汽客运西站还是北站呢?Do you want the West Highway Station or the North?

汽车旅客运输班车客运服务质量标准。Motor vehicle passenger transportation-service sta.

公路客运企业如何应对公铁竞争?。How RoadPassengerTransport vs Passenger Train Industry?

当地的列车不和美国铁路客运公司的列车相连。The local train does not connect with the Amtrak train.

请与客运值班室人员联系。Please get in touch with the staff in the passengers' office.

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卢顿国际机场是伦敦主要的客运机场之一。Luton International is one of London's main passenger airports.

最后一班客运车即将自嘉义车站发车。The last passenger train was ready to depart at Chia-Yi Station.

海上客运开通了秦皇岛至大连、上海两条季节性航线。Sea passenger transport is opened to Dalian and Shanghai seasonally.

为新铁路客运服务提供高安全保障。Support a very high level of safety for new passenger rail service..

大多数火车是美铁——全国铁路客运公司在运营。Most trains are operated by AMTRAK, the national railroad corporation.

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陆上的马尔盖拉港是重要油港和客运港。On land Marghella Hong Kong is an important oil port and passenger port.

但由于现金短缺,全国铁路客运公司还不能让这些车厢重返铁轨。Low on cash, Amtrak has not been able to get the cars back on the tracks.

它们通常只是在内陆飞行,并且只拥有一种客运级别。They usually only fly intra-continental and have a single passenger class.

今天铁路客运有硬座和软座之分。Today, the railway passenger transport offer people hard seat and soft seat.

出租车客运市场能够在我国的牧区出现与存在,这本身就是一个新的事物。It is a novelty that taxi market can appear and exist in China's pastureland.

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它们通常只是在内陆飞行,并且只拥有一种客运级别。S. They usually only fly intra-continental and have a single passenger class.

据此,提出秦沈客运专线轨道不平顺功率谱质量的评判方法。The evaluation method of PSD for QSDPR was set up on the basis of above work.

由客运铁路系统和联邦铁路局或其委派人员审计执行情况。Be audited for compliance by the passenger railroad and FRA or FRA’s designee.