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开设新馆的步伐已经放慢。The pace of new openings has slowed.

新馆的展厅面积更大,但依然很理想。The new ones are larger, but still ideal.

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五位世界顶尖建筑师正在为新馆的设计展开竞争。Five of the world’s top architects are competing to design it.

我们的新馆M17会议室真空调节器是在真空应用真正的表演。Our new M17 Vacuum Regulator is a true performer in vacuum applications.

省博物馆新馆和歌剧院交界处还在施工。The part between the Opera House and the Museum is still under construction.

是北京目前单体面积最大、代化设施最全新馆。Leaf area is the best measure of the photosynthesizing capacity of the plant.

13日,位于奥林匹克公园中心区的中国科技馆新馆向媒体开放。The new China Science and Technology Museum was unveiled to media last Sunday.

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中国科技馆新馆将于16日举行开馆典礼,20日正式对社会公众开放。The new museum will be officially unveiled Wednesday, and open to the public Sunday.

我急不可待的想再次看到新馆群和其所馆藏的新作品。I can't wait to visit Fuping again to see the new museums and all the new work in the museums.

同煤集团副董事长、总经理张有喜主持新馆开馆揭牌仪式。Datong Coal Mine Group vice chairman, general manager Zhang Youxi over new museum opening ceremony.

新馆立面呈条带状,并由印有剖开石头纹理的玻璃幕墙所包裹。The façade was stripped and given a new glass curtain wall imprinted with a pattern of stones sawed in half.

新馆是一个黑色的四层次立方体包大型木制面板间断的大玻璃开口。The new museum is a black four-level cube clad with large scale wooden panels punctuated by large glazed openings.

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从创立至今的丹佛能够成长如此之快、焕发出惊人的生命力,深深地影响着新馆的风格。The amazing vitality and growth of Denver -- from its foundation to the present -- inspires the form of the new museum.

本次展览是东大名创库新馆的开幕展,投机份子司提反将给观众带来全新的艺术体验。This is the inaugurating exhibition of ddm new site. Stephen the Speculator is sure to bring visitors a unique art experience.

顺便说一句,一个多星期前周大使在华盛顿特区主持了由贝聿铭先生设计的中国大使馆新馆开馆仪式。Ambassador Zhou— who, by the way, opened a new Chinese embassy in Washington, D. C. , designed by I. M. Pei a couple weeks ago.

广东省博物馆新馆钢结构工程是目前国内最大的吊挂式结构,总用钢量1.8万t。The steel structure of Guangdong New Museum is the largest domestic suspension structure with the total steel usage of 18 000t.

酒店位于广州天河区商务中心,毗邻交易会新馆,珠江新城,电脑城,石牌商务街。In business center of Tianhe District, Close to the trade fair, Zhujiang New City, Computer Market and Shipai commercial street.

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山东省博物馆新馆主体结构为钢筋混凝土框架-剪力墙结构,顶部为水花状钢结构穹顶。The main structural system of the Shandong New Museum is reinforced concrete shear wall with a spray-like steel vault on the top of it.

他同时也身处筹建中国美术馆新馆的事务之中,新馆将建在奥林匹克公园内,靠近鸟巢体育场。He is also in the middle of planning for NAMOC’s new building, a structure to be built on the Olympic Green, by the Bird’s Nest Stadium.

2004年,20幅星云美术作品应邀参加北京天文馆新馆落成典礼暨首届中国太空美术作品展览。In 2004, 20 of his nebular art paintings were shown at the 1st "Chinese Outer Space Art Exhibition" for Beijing Planetarium opening ceremony.