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他的墓是用花岗石造的。His grave is made of granite.

煤炭、花岗石、天青石等资源性产品。Coal, granite, lapis lazuli and other.

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这座纪念碑是由大理石和花岗石制成的。The monument is made of marble and granite.

花岗石的物理特性是众所周知的。The physical properties of granite are well known.

黔南地区花岗石资源丰富。The southern Guizhou is rich in granite resources.

一种由石英和云母构成的花岗石。A granitic rock composed chiefly of quartz and mica.

南雄有丰富的花岗石和红土资源。Nanxiong has abundant resources of granite and clay.

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大理石、花岗石、水磨石等石材表面的光泽测量。Stone materials, such as marble, granite, terrazzo, etc.

这座花岗石雕塑是中国雕塑家雷宜锌的作品。The granite sculpture is the work of Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin.

马丁路德金10米高的塑像,就雕在花岗石的中间。A 10-meter high sculpture of King is carved from the center piece.

门槛、橱柜台面、室外地面就适合使用花岗石。The mesa of doorsill, ambry , ground outdoor suits to use granite.

在其著名的花岗石拱下,他俩说出永恒的誓言。Under its famous arched granite masonry, they vowed an enduring love.

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花岗石常作为主景雕塑,植物配置起烘托的作用。When landscaping around granite, plants are chosen to contract the stone.

花岗石塔楼也在晃动,人们叫喊着,丧失了理智,紧紧的抱在一起。Granite towers swayed. People cried out in panic, huddling close together.

花岗石板材,石灰石板材,大理石板材,板石。Proton America, Inc. imports quality granite, marble, limestone and slate.

花岗石的几何尺寸、色差问题由于天然原因,不易解决。Granitic geometrical dimension, color due to natural causes, not easy to solve.

同时对具有双分形特性的花岗石双分形分界频率的特点进行了探讨。The character of dividing frequency of granite double fractal is discussed also.

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白墙,花岗石岩坡顶,与建筑形体完美结合。White walls, granite rock hill, the perfect combination of form and construction.

介绍了干挂花岗石幕墙连接性能的振动台模拟地震试验的情况。Shaking table test of dry hanging granite curtain wall is introduced in this paper.

花岗石的几何尺寸、色差问题由于天然原因,不易解决。Because problem of granitic geometrical dimension, chromatism is natural reason, masty.