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嫣然国色带朝酲。Sweet ribbon toward the alcoholic state.

她为什么要杀顾嫣然?Why does she want to kill to heed to sweetly?

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你嫣然的微笑是我每日享遭到的魅力。Your smiling into me is my daily dose of magic.

今日的澳门好似一朵金莲嫣然绽放。Macao today is like a blooming golden lotus flower.

一朵嫣然的花,垂落在刚刚绽妍的时候。A beautiful flower, falling just split beautiful time.

抑或只是一个嫣然浅笑,便点燃了你眼眸中的那抹闪亮。Maybe even give a little smile and ignite that twinkle in your eye.

这时,方小舟才发现许嫣然是个警察。At this time, party boat is a sweet promise only to find the police.

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就这样,2006年“嫣然天使基金”创办,而拿工资的人只有三个人。" In this way, in 2006, " Yan Ran Angel Fund "set up, and paid only three people.

红尘滚滚,繁花依旧会嫣然绽放,清新的空气,让我有窒息的感觉。The world, the flowers will bloom, fresh air, let me have the feeling of suffocation.

奇怪的是,李嫣然这次并没有急着离去,而小音也变得沉默寡言起来。Curiously, Li Yan Ran no hurry to leave this time, the small voice has become withdrawn.

慕容靖很头痛,这李嫣然就是他家族为他布置地成亲对象。Murong Jing was headache, which Li Yan Ran is his family arranged for him married objects.

一笑嫣然雁如归,归?何处?晚霞风序乱如麻,乱?几愁?Smile geese such as return, return? Where? The wind tangled chaos sequence, ? A few anxious?

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不过,人生是更大的舞台,把“嫣然”的事情做好会让我比演戏更有成就感。However, life is a big stage, the" sweet" things to do will make me more fulfilling than acting.

嫣然天使基金会发表声明称王菲李亚鹏夫妇的离婚不会影响到该基金会的正常运行。The Smile Angel Foundation has released a statement saying it will not be affected by the couple's divorce.

他没言语,只是继续看他地医书,但愿那李嫣然能够感觉败兴早日分开。He no words, just read his medical books, hoping that Li Yan Ran may feel disappointed to leave as soon as possible.

其实,真正地妖精是李嫣然,她是千年狐妖,但是机关算尽,却仍是未能得逞。In fact, the real monster is Li Yan Ran, she is the Millennium Fox Spirit, however, tricks, but still did not succeed.

一天,方小舟偶然遇到了聪明美貌的许嫣然,并且捡到了她不慎遗落的木盒子。One day, party boat came across a beautiful smart sweet promise, and she accidentally left behind picked up the wooden box.

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由流行天后王菲和影星李亚鹏夫妇不久前成立的“嫣然天使基金会”今年制订了一个大计划。foundation launched recently by pop diva Faye Wong and her film star husband Li Yapeng has set an ambitious agenda for this year.

芝麻大小的雪粒,羞羞答答地来到地面,又嫣然化作一颗晶莹的水滴,深情地亲吻着燥闷已久的土地。Sesame size Cube afraid to come to the ground, it turned into a crystal drop Yan Ran, affectionately kissing long boring dry land.

她的嘴角和眼波中散发出温柔的嫣然笑意,似是涌自她女性的心头。There played around her mouth, and beamed out of her eyes, a radiant and tender smile, that seemed gushing from the very heart of womanhood.