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因此,李安同意做镜头删减。So Lee agreed to make cuts.

删减窗上口和檐口之间的距离。Inbulge window head to eave distance.

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我喜欢把和删减空间。I enjoy the inclusion and deletion of space.

这个过程与其说是在增加倒不如说是删减。It’s a process of subtraction more than addition.

文字创造了生活,也删减记忆。Characters create the life and efface the reminiscence.

他将他的著作删减为五千字左右的小册子。He slashed his work into a booklet with about 5,000 words.

你的文章太长--请把它删减到1000字。Your article's too long -- please cut it down to 1000 words.

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电视或者广播新闻编辑通常会删减掉那些引述,因为他们只有10秒钟时间。TV and radio news editors often cut quotes so they take only 10 seconds.

我要告诉你为什么我会始终不渝的信任法制。下面你将读到的故事已经被删减,以免冗长。I . The story you're about to read has been abridged to reduced its length.

而删减版中则以保护隐私为由去掉了与此事件有关的文献资料。The edited report deletes references to Dr. Mengele’s scalp on privacy grounds.

第两届喷喷鼻港国际聋人电影节保存删减电影内容之权利。The HKIDFF reserves the rights not to screen films that contain abusive contents.

在英国,影片在受到10秒的删减后被划分为18级。In Britain, the film was released with an 18 certificate after ten seconds of cuts.

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医院之外,很多病人都在担心医疗保健会被删减。Outside Evangelismos, there was concern among patients over the cuts to healthcare.

他想要的城堡,美景和军队,但是每次都会被制片人要求删减掉。He wanted castles and vistas and armies, and producers always made him cut that stuff.

他们还通过删减人员来节约成本,这意味着人工服务的减少。They also saved money by cutting back on personnel, which meant less personal service.

菲律宾国立大学学生因教育预算删减而发动罢课。Education budget cuts prompted Filipino students to stage a strike in public universities.

看看你的工作清单,看看是否有些任务可以删减,委托他人或者推迟。Look at your to-do list and see what you can eliminate or delegate or postpone until later.

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尼哈拉尼先生拒绝对詹姆斯·邦德影片做出评论,也未回应关于他对影片的删减决定。Mr Nihalani refused to comment on the James Bond film and his decision to cut short scenes.

航空和旅游业者因公司行号和私人删减旅游预算而陷入困境。Airlines and tour operators are struggling as businesses and individuals cut back on travel.

谷歌揭露了该事件后,表示它将不会再对Google.cn上的搜索结果进行删减。When it revealed the attack, Google said it would stop censoring search results on