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文彦容许妈妈好好劝止姗姗。WenYan allows mother good would discourage it shan shan.

由于争吵仍然不停,我们想法劝止。As the argument was still going on, we tried to break it up.

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我们怎么也不“能”劝止他们的争吵,要是我“能”躲得开就好了。We'll never stop them arguing. I wish I were well out of it.

贺某见状急忙劝止,并找出灭火器准备灭火。He quickly discourage a seeing, and to identify fire extinguishers ready.

不必理会那些劝止你按照自己意愿做事情的人。Ignore people who try to dissuade you from following through on your idea.

见到母女二人吵架起来,心平欲劝止反被责骂。Flat to see mother and daughter two people quarrel, heart stopped by scolding.

少数殖民者表示反对,不过很快就被旁边的人劝止了。A few of the colonists began to voice objections, but were quickly shushed by their neighbors.

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舒新欲赶往聋哑学校,被田野劝止,田野表示本人会处置好这件事情。New desire to deaf school Schwartz, be the field would discourage it, that I will disposal good field this things.

教育机构有义务劝止学生不要从事不太可能胜利的科学研讨。Educational institutions should dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.

遇有政府部门,执法机关阻拦、劝止时,活动即告终止。Meeting the government department, when the law enforcement agency stops, dissuades from, the activity will be stopped.

赤霞为泄心头之恨打算收伏小倩,幸得采臣劝止,更说此举会触怒王母娘娘。Red chardonnay to vent my heart hate going to ShouFu small qian, thanks I stopped, said the move would anger more heavenly queen.

要劝止有不孕不育和流产病史的夫妇吸烟。Smoking should be discouraged for both male and female partners in couples with a history of infertility or recurrent miscarriage.

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思朗因思茏不听劝止要跟至宝结婚,决议分开家庭,冷静本人。Think lang because Long don't listen to think with his treasure marriage, would discourage it separated family, calm I resolution.

法院表示,成员国对此采取的行动必须“有效,均衡并以劝止为主,不能形成贸易壁垒,妨碍合法的商业活动”。The court said action taken by member states must be "effective, proportionate and dissuasive, and must not create barriers to legitimate trade".

二人在一家西餐厅见面,姜梅竭力劝止弟弟放弃飞行,可姜窦却通知姐姐,本人要学会坚持。Two people meet in a western restaurant, to give up flight, jiang mei, brother, would discourage ginger sinus but notice, I will learn to insist on sister.

文彦向母亲求助,要高虹帮助劝止品如复仇的愿望,高虹说本人反而会帮助和鼓舞品如。WenYan to her mom for help, to GaoHong help would discourage it tasted like revenge desire, GaoHong said I, on the contrary, will help and encouragement taste like.

蒋元可怜小田的遭遇,借钱给小田应急,并出言劝止袁斌迫小田返回美国,最后还协助隐瞒小田在美国欠债的事情。Jiang yuan poor oda, lend oda emergency, and speak discourage forced Yuan Bin oda returned to the United States, the last also help conceal oda in debt in the United States.

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柳细腰不顾老伴和儿子的劝止,走到韩珊的房间,打算一跪恳求韩珊的原谅,但房间内曾经没有了韩珊的踪迹。Willow regardless of his wife and son narrow the would discourage it, and go into HanShan room, going to a kneeling begged HanShan forgiveness, but inside the room had no HanShan trace.

皮尔斯说,美国联邦卫生总监1964年发表有关吸烟害处的报告后,加州比其它各州更积极地采取措施,劝止人们吸烟。Pierce says that after the 1964 Surgeon General's report, which warned of health risks associated with smoking, California moved more aggressively than other states to discourage smoking.

爱仗义执言的效劳员酣畅听说一个中年女人耍泼,快步冲进来劝止,没想到耍泼的中年女人正是本人的老妈。Love the service member out heard that a middle-aged women play motivate sprinkle, trotting rushed in and would discourage it, didn't play the middle-aged woman splashed that I am old mama.