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把矮人的锤子没收了。Took hammer away from midget.

“抓住那个矮人,”红玫喊道。"Catch the dwarf, "Rose-red shouted.

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洗澡房子就像一个穴居矮人房子。A bathhouse is like a house for hobbits.

“敬我的兄弟们,”矮人补充道。A toast to my brothers, " the dwarf added."

矮人龙卫士祝您新年快乐!Dwarf Dragon Guard wish you a Happy New Year!

如果我加上词,矮人,听起来熟悉吗?If I were to add the word pigmy, ring a bell?

洞穴巨人以及巨魔有阻挡了矮人的军队吗?。Did the trolls and ogres stop the dwarven brigades?

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他们的语言,矮人语,被刻于手柄上。Their language, dwarvish, is inscribed on the handle.

矮人城市中最深的那口井郑渐渐枯竭。The deepest wells in a dwarf city are slowly drying up.

那矮人踮起脚把纸条用钉子按在墙上。The short man nailed the message to the wall on tiptoe.

阿尔卡斯统领着矮人,是火焰与铸造的大师。Arkath gathers the Dwarves, grim masters of forge and fire.

修正巫妖牺牲仪式对矮人火枪手无效的错误。Sacrifice Ritual doesn't take effect on Rifleman Bug fixed.

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另一种方法就是用小比例替身演员来制造远处矮人的效果。Another trick was to use "scale doubles30" for faraway shorts.

矮人女子几乎和他们的男性一样强壮。Dwarven women are sturdy and nearly as tough as their men folk.

你能够控制矮人,兽人,人类,精灵和侏儒。I had control over Dwarves, Orcs, Humans, Elves, and Halflings.

迪洛矮人向新定居点急行军。The derro make haste to their new settlement at a forced march.

俺最后会怎么回到俺心爱着的矮人家乡?How will I finally be returning' ta me beloved dwarven homelands?

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我们说的就是起始组合中的矮人战技长。We're talking about the Dwarf Battlemaster from the starter pack.

这就是为什么要给战士一把长弓、矮人一件人形大小的链甲了?Why give a warrior a long bow, and a dwarf human-sized chainmail?

71一个强大的巫妖释放了一个不死部落以对抗一座矮人城市。A powerful lich has unleashed an undead horde against a dwarf city.