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他有严重的腹绞痛。He had an awful colic.

一阵一阵的绞痛,我认为。A colicky pain, I think.

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他胳膊抽搐,胸口绞痛不已。His arm throbs. His chest hurts.

各种内脏绞痛的针灸治疗。The acupuncture treatment of viscera angina.

目的探讨肾绞痛的止痛方法。Objective To study the analgesia of renal colic.

您是连续感到疼痛的那种痛,还是感到一阵一阵的绞痛那种痛呢?Is it an aching type pain or is it a colicky pain?

但你怎么知道,如果他们所经历的绞痛症状?But how do you know if they are experiencing colic symptoms?

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我感觉到的疼痛,学名叫做肾绞痛,就是我的身体竭力排除结石的反应。The pain, termed renal colic, was my body straining to expel it.

绞痛。可表现出剧烈胆绞痛,伴恶心、呕吐。Colic. There may be severe biliary colic with nausea and vomiting.

同时输尿管镜可对绞痛性尿石作即刻有效处理。At the same time, colic urolithiasis could be managed by ureteroscopy.

因为过敏和疲劳,早晨我频频感到肠绞痛。Because of allergies and exhaustion, I griped too much in the mornings.

肠绞痛小片是相当软的在舌头上迅速溶化的小片。Colic tablets are very soft and dissolve almost instantly under the tongue.

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对心脏的血液供应就会减少,导致绞痛。The blood supply to the heart is then reduced, resulting in painful angina.

食用水仙可能会引起恶心、呕吐、腹绞痛或腹泻。Daffodil bulb diners tend to experience nausea, vomiting, cramps and diarrhea.

急性肠梗阻的病人出现腹部绞痛和呕吐。In acute bowel obstruction, patients have colicky abdominal pain with vomiting.

帮助减少绞痛,胀气和吐奶的症状采用安全材料,不含。The Born Free feeding system helps reduce the symptoms of colic, gas and spit up.

并减轻消化不良,月经绞痛,和肠易激综合症。And also for soothing indigestion, gas, menstrual cramps, and irritable bowel syndrome.

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在中国医学方面,郁金被使用来治疗肩痛、月经的痉挛,和绞痛。In Chinese medicine, turmeric is used to treat shoulder pain, menstrual cramps, and colic.

胃一阵阵绞痛,伴有腹泻,是什么病,引发的原因会是哪些?。Stomach an angina, companion has diarrhoea , it is what disease, what can caused cause be?

最怕回忆突然翻滚绞痛着不平息,最怕突然听到你的消息。Fear memories rolling colic suddenly not calmed down, most afraid when I heard your message.