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你有拿到工作证吗?Did you get a work visa?

是的你要看看我的工作证吗?Yes. Do you need to see my card?

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我可以看你的工作证及护照吗?May I see your ARC and passport please?

他把工作证亮了一下就进去了。He showed his identity card and went in.

他拿出工作证,说他是警察。He pulled out a badge and said he was a cop.

半年之后,约翰的工作证被吊销了。John's work permit was revoked after six months.

乔-奥比-米克尔昨天拿到了工作证。Jon Obi Mikel was granted his work permit yesterday.

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我的工作证是看不清楚的。哈哈。我在房地产公司上班。Nice! Professional OL look haha. Better than my job.

发现吴敏的自行车和工作证,众人去救吴敏。Wu Min found the bike and work permit, people to save Wu Min.

身份证、工作证、通讯录、钱包都在里边。Yes, my ID, employee's card , address book and wallet are all in it.

借书时出示学生证或工作证,每次限借一本。Time had caused the old books to disintegrate into a pile of fragments.

办理工作证的费用以供应商最低报价为准。The price of Working certificate will base on supplier minimum quotation.

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证件检查,例如外国专家证、工作证、学生证等。Document examination, such as foreign expert certificate, work permit, student card.

为保安理由,施工单位务须出示此副本,方会获发工作证通行。For security purposes, contractor must present the copy of this page to get the work pass.

布展及撤展期间,大会将发放工作证供有关工作人员进出展之用。In the period of move-in and move-out , organizer will issue badge to worker for entrance use.

东珍可为志愿者提供实践证明以及志愿者工作证以保证志愿者权益。Dongjen can provide certificate for volunteer work and volunteer card to ensure volunteers' rights.

只要你是成年人,有身份证及工作证,均可在各大银行办理信用卡。As long as you are an adult with ID card and employee's card, you can transact credit card in every bank.

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我父亲的工作证,工资卡,医疗保险卡,和单位批准的来美国请假条。My father's employee photo ID, payroll card, insurance card, and the official approve for his vacation to US.

检查期间,配带普迪科技有限公司工作证之技术员将会抽样进入单位进行检查。The technicians who wear Protect Technologies Ltd. 's staff card will visit premises randomly for inspection.

有些观众可能会因为发现这前任副总统的工作证儿而发笑——NOCO2。Some viewers may chuckle when they notice that the license plate on the former Vice President's cab reads NOCO2.